AutoInvoice Data Preparation

Prepare your Receivables environment for any new data that you want to import. If your original system uses any setup data which isn't yet defined in Receivables, you must define this data before using AutoInvoice.

Data Checklist

Ensure that you have set up and updated the appropriate records in Receivables and related applications.

Add or update this setup data:

  • Add or import customers, if your original system contains data for customers that aren't yet defined in Receivables.

  • Add units of measure, if your original system uses units of measure not yet defined.

  • Add or update in General Ledger this data:

    • Currencies, if your original system uses currencies not yet defined.

    • Accounting flexfield segment values, if your original system uses values not yet defined.

  • Add or update in Tax this tax data:

    • Tax rates assigned to tax rate codes that aren't yet defined.

    • Tax rates associated with products shipped to specific locations.

    • Full or partial customer and item tax exemptions.

  • Add or update these Receivables lookup codes:

    • Free on Board (FOB) lookup codes, if your original system uses FOB point codes not yet defined.

    • Freight carrier lookup codes.

  • Add or update this Receivables data:

    • AutoAccounting (this is a required setup to use AutoInvoice)

    • Payment terms

    • Transaction types

    • Transaction sources

    • Salespersons

    • Revenue scheduling rules

AutoInvoice Setup

Review and update Receivables data specific to AutoInvoice.

Review and update this data:

  • AutoInvoice Grouping Rules: Define additional grouping rules or update the default grouping rule provided by Receivables. AutoInvoice uses grouping rules to determine how to create transactions.

    AutoInvoice uses the following hierarchy when determining the grouping rule to use:

    • Transaction source

    • Customer site

    • Customer profile

    • System options

  • AutoInvoice Line Ordering Rules: Define line ordering rules for AutoInvoice to determine how to order transaction lines. AutoInvoice randomly orders lines on your transactions if you don't define line ordering rules.

  • AutoInvoice Transaction Source Automatic Receipt Handling: If you want AutoInvoice to automatically evaluate imported credits for receipt handling, select the applicable Receipt Handling for Credits option on the AutoInvoice transaction source.
    • On Account: Place imported credits on account.
    • Refund: Create refunds for imported credits.
  • Receivables System Options: Set Receivables system options for AutoInvoice in the Billing and Revenue tab:

    • Customers section: Grouping Rule field: Assign an AutoInvoice grouping rule to use as part of the default hierarchy for selecting a grouping rule during transaction processing.

    • AutoInvoice section: Purge interface tables option: Enable this option to purge data automatically after running AutoInvoice.

    • AutoInvoice section: Maximum Memory in Bytes field: Enter a value that represents the amount of memory to allocate to AutoInvoice for validation.

    • AutoInvoice section: Log File Message Level field: Enter a level from 0 to 5 to indicate the amount of detail that you want to display in the AutoInvoice log file.

    • AutoInvoice section: Accounting Dates Out of Order field: Select Reject or Adjust to determine how AutoInvoice processes transactions when the accounting date is out of order within the document sequence.


      You only use this setting when the primary ledger is enabled for document sequencing.

  • Profile Options: Set these profile options for AutoInvoice:

    • ID Flexfield Code: Specify the ID of the flexfield code used by AutoInvoice.

    • Maximum Lines per AutoInvoice Worker: Specify the maximum number of lines per AutoInvoice worker.

    • Source Code: Specify the source code used by AutoInvoice.

    • Use Parallel Hint: Enable parallel hints in AutoInvoice.

    • AutoInvoice Gather Statistics Allowed: If you set this profile option to Yes, then when you submit AutoInvoice, the program first analyzes the interface tables (RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL, RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL, and RA_INTERFACE SALESCREDITS_ALL) and gathers statistics to determine how best to execute the transaction import.

      If the number of records to be imported and the number of worker processes are approximately the same as the previous submission of AutoInvoice, then you can set this profile option to No and skip this analysis.

Transaction Flexfield

Receivables uses the transaction flexfield to uniquely identify each transaction and transaction line you import using AutoInvoice. Transaction flexfields are also used to reference and link transaction lines.

You must define a Line Transaction Flexfield, and you can optionally define a header-level Invoice Transaction Flexfield. If you define an Invoice Transaction Flexfield, all segments in the Line Transaction Flexfield that refer to header information must also exist in the Invoice Transaction Flexfield. For example, if you define a Line Transaction Flexfield with four segments, and the last two segments refer to line-level information only, define the Invoice Transaction Flexfield using the first two segments.

If you don't create Reference and Link-To Transaction Flexfields, then Receivables uses the Line Transaction Flexfield structure to link and reference different lines. You don't have to define separate Reference and Link-To Transaction Flexfields in this case.

However, if you want to create your own form to enter interface data to display the Reference and Link-To Transaction Flexfields, then you must define these transaction flexfields. These flexfields must have the same flexfield structure as the Line Transaction Flexfield.