Create a Credit Case Folder Template

Create credit case folder templates to use in the creation of your credit case folders.

The credit case folder template defines:

  • Data points to display in the case folder.

  • Definition of the required and optional data points in the case folder that are made available for a given credit review.

  • If applicable, the scoring model to use in a case folder for a customer or customer account.

A credit case folder is created for a combination of credit classification and review type. You can set up your case folder templates for each of these combinations. You can create more than one case folder template with the same combination, according to your credit policies, but only one template with a given combination can be active and enabled at any one time.

For example, during an Ad Hoc Review, a High Risk customer might require additional collateral and bank reference data points on which to base a credit decision. Or during a Periodic Review of a Moderate Risk with D&B customer, you may rely mainly on the D&B Paydex Score and D&B Rating data point values.

When a credit review is initiated and a case folder created, a case folder template is assigned based on the credit classification and review type combination. If a template can't be found with this combination, then the case folder template you designated as the default is used.

To create a case folder template:

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Manage Credit Case Folder Templates page.

  2. Click the Plus (+) icon to open the Create Credit Case Folder Template page

  3. In the Name and Description fields, enter the name and description for this case folder template.

    You may want to use a name that identifies the type of case folder template, as it relates to the combination of credit classification and review type.

  4. In the Start Date field, enter the date that you want this case folder template to become active. The default is the system date, but you can change it to a date earlier than or later than the system date.

    Active and enabled case folder templates are available for use with case folders created on or after the case folder template start date.

  5. Use the End Date field to define a limit of active operation for a case folder template. You can create more than one case folder template for a given combination of credit classification and review type, if your credit policies change, or you anticipate that they will change in the near future. To do this, apply a future end date to the current template and create a new template with a start date after the current template end date.


    Once you enter an end date and save your work, you can no longer change or remove the end date.

  6. In the Scoring Model field, optionally enter the scoring model to use with this case folder template.

    If you don't select a scoring model, the data points you set for this template are used by the credit analyst for credit determination, but no credit score is calculated.

  7. In the Data Points section, use the Category field to display the data points of a specific category only. By default, the Data Points section displays all data points for all categories

  8. Use the fields in the Include in Case Folder column to identify the data points to include in the case folder template:

    • No: The default. These data points don't appear in the template after you save it, and don't appear in any case folder created using this template

    • Required: The data point is included in the template and a value is required for credit determination and to calculate the credit score in the credit case folder that uses this template.

      In the credit case folder, required data points that don't have a value are labeled with a warning icon.

    • Optional: The data point is included in the template, but a value isn't required. Optional data points provide credit analysts with additional flexibility in determining the values needed for a particular credit determination.


    If you selected a scoring model for this template, you still need to set the scoring model data points as Required or Optional in order for them to appear in a credit case folder that uses this template. If the credit analyst enters a scorable value in an optional data point, then this value is included in the credit score calculation.

  9. After you have set all of the data points you want for the template, save your work.