Import Legacy Customer Credit Card Data

You can import legacy customer credit card data into Oracle Applications Cloud using a data import process.

The data import process includes the following phases:

  • Uploading customer credit card data to CyberSource
  • Downloading tokens from CyberSource
  • Importing customer addresses using a simplified spreadsheet
  • Uploading tokens to Oracle Applications Cloud

Before you import legacy customer credit card data, you must maintain strict compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) rules that protect Oracle Applications Cloud from audit. The PCI DSS requires all companies that process, store, or send customer credit card information to maintain a secure environment. No customer credit card data can interact with any part of the Oracle Applications Cloud deployment.


Before you can import legacy customer credit card data, you must perform the following steps:

  • Set up Oracle Payments Cloud as tokenization-enabled.
  • Configure at least one payment system as tokenization-enabled.
  • Tokenize legacy customer credit card data through your tokenization provider.

Use the IbyLegacyCreditCardsImportTemplate.xlsm spreadsheet template to import legacy credit card data. However, you can't use this template to import tokens for customers created directly on the UI.

Uploading Customer Credit Card Data to CyberSource

Summary: Retrieve and complete the CyberSource spreadsheet with your legacy customer credit card data, and upload it to CyberSource.

To upload your customer credit card data to CyberSource to generate token numbers, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the CyberSource Test Business Center at
  2. Sign in to CyberSource with your Merchant ID, user name, and password.
  3. Navigate to: Tools & Settings > Batch Transactions > Templates to download the spreadsheet from CyberSource. From the Template choice list, select New subscriptions (Created).
  4. Save the spreadsheet to your local drive as a .csv file.
  5. Prepare the CyberSource spreadsheet.
    1. Open the CyberSource spreadsheet in EditPlus and complete the following required fields:
      • Batch ID: Identifier must be unique for every batch.
      • Statement billing address
      • Card holder name: first and last
      • Actual customer credit card number
      • Card brand code: For example, Visa has a card type value of 001.
      • Expiry card details: month and year
  6. Navigate to: Tools & Settings > Batch Transactions > Upload to open the Transaction Batch Upload page.
    1. Enter a reference note about the batch.
    2. Enter your email address to receive notifications about the status of your batch.
    3. Browse for and select the .csv file you just prepared and click Submit. You'll receive a confirmation email when all validations are passed.

Downloading Tokens from CyberSource

To download your tokenized customer credit card data spreadsheet from CyberSource, perform the following steps:

  1. In CyberSource, navigate to: Reports > Report Search to open the Report Search page.
    1. From the Report choice list, select the report you want to download that has your batch ID in the name, and select the frequency.
    2. Ensure that the daily report search date is the current date, and click Submit. The Report Search Results page appears.
    3. Find your report by the batch ID in the file name, oraclepayments<BATCHID>.reply.aa.csv, click the download link, and save the report spreadsheet to your local drive.
  2. On your local drive, open the spreadsheet in EditPlus. A few more fields appear in the spreadsheet.

    To view the full content of a cell with scientific notation, select the cell to see the full value in the field.

  3. View the token numbers in Column C. An example of a token number is: paySubscriptionCreateReply_subscriptionID=9903000066742619.

    No column exists in the spreadsheet that associates token numbers with corresponding customer credit card numbers.

Importing Customer Statement Billing Addresses

Summary: Retrieve and complete the simplified customer import spreadsheet, generate the .csv consolidated .zip file, and upload it to Oracle Receivables Cloud.

To import your legacy customer credit card statement billing address to Receivables using a simplified customer import spreadsheet, perform the following steps:

  1. To retrieve the simplified spreadsheet you, perform the following steps:
    1. Sign in to Oracle Applications Cloud as a Receivables manager.
    2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
    3. Search for and select the task titled Manage Customer Uploads.
    4. In the Search Results section, click the Download Customer Spreadsheet Template button to download the simplified spreadsheet.
    5. Save the spreadsheet to your local drive.
  2. On your local drive, open the spreadsheet, select the Customers tab, and enter data in the required fields.
  3. In Column AY, Purpose, you must enter CC_Billing as the customer credit card statement billing address. These addresses are ultimately associated with customer credit card token numbers that you later import to Oracle Applications Cloud.
  4. Select the Instructions tab and click the Generate CSV File button to create individual spreadsheets, along with a consolidated .zip file that contains one or more .csv files.
  5. Navigate to: Receivables > Billing > Billing work area > Tasks icon > Upload Customers from Spreadsheet link to open the Manage Customer Uploads page.
  6. Click the Upload Customers from Spreadsheet button to open the Upload Customers from Spreadsheet dialog box.
  7. Enter a batch name.
  8. Browse for the .zip file you generated in Step 4 and click Submit.
    1. You can track the progress of the upload by navigating to: Navigator > Customer Data Management > Data Import. The process might take awhile.
  9. In the Search Results section on the Manage Customer Uploads page, verify that the simplified customer import spreadsheet has a Status of successful as indicated by a check mark.
  10. Verify that customer data was uploaded by querying customer data that was populated in the simplified customer import spreadsheet.

Uploading Tokens to Oracle Applications Cloud

Summary: Retrieve and prepare the tokenized spreadsheet, upload it to Oracle Applications Cloud, run the Tokenize Credit Card process, and verify the tokens were imported.

To upload your tokenized customer credit card data to Oracle Applications Cloud, perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare the tokenized spreadsheet.
    1. On, navigate to Oracle Financials Cloud Documentation and click the Books link for the latest release. By the category of Development, click the File-Based Data Import for Financials Cloud link.
    2. Open the File-Based Data Imports chapter and click the Legacy Credit Card Token Import link.
    3. Click the LegacyCreditCardTokenImportTemplate.xlsm link and download the spreadsheet to your local drive.
    4. From your local drive, open the spreadsheet file in EditPlus so you can view complete token numbers instead of scientific notation.
    5. Enter values for the following columns:
      1. Column A is Origin Source System: Enter the value for the source system that's in your customer import spreadsheet in Column A, Source System.
      2. Column B is Token Number: Enter the token number created for the credit card that's in Column C of the tokenized spreadsheet you downloaded from CyberSource.
      3. Column C is Origin Site Purpose Source Reference: Enter any unique reference number for this spreadsheet file.
      4. Column D is Expiry Date: Enter the year and month that the credit card expires.
      5. Column E is Card Brand: For example, in capital letters, enter VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, AMEX, DINERS, JCB, ENROUTE, or CARTE.
      6. Column F is Origin System Reference of Owner: Enter the value that's in your customer import spreadsheet in Column AX, Site Purpose Source Reference, to assign tokens at the site level, or enter the value that's in your customer import spreadsheet in Column J, Account Source Reference, to assign tokens at the account level.
      7. Column G is Description: Enter free text.
      8. Column H is Purchase Card: Enter N for No or Y for Yes.
      9. Column I is Purchase Card Subtype: Leave this field empty or enter values. Enter values like B (Business Card), C (Corporate Card), P (Purchase Card), or U (Unknown). Values must match standard lookup values with type of IBY_PURCHASECARD_SUBTYPE.
      10. Column J is Owner Level: Enter CUST_ACCT_SITE_USE to assign token numbers at the site level, or enter CUST_ACCT_USE to assign token numbers at the account level.
      11. Column K is Masked Credit Card Number: Enter a series of X's followed by the last four digits of the actual credit card. For example, if the credit card number is 16 digits, enter 12 X's followed by four digits with no spaces anywhere.

        Masked credit card is a required field. If user doesn't enter this, other card details are unusable.

      12. Column L is Card Holder Name: Enter the first and last name of the cardholder.
      13. Column M is Billing Address: Enter the billing address reference, which is the same as the Origin Site Purpose Source Reference column in this sheet.
    6. After you finish entering data, click the Generate CSV File button on the Instructions and CSV Generation tab of the spreadsheet.
    7. Save the .csv file to your local drive with a unique name.
  2. Upload the tokenized spreadsheet.
    1. Sign in to Oracle Applications Cloud as an implementor.
    2. Navigate to: Navigator > ToolsFile Import and Export to open the File Import and Export page.
    3. Click the Upload (+) icon in the Search Results section to open the Upload File dialog box.
    4. Browse to the .csv file that you saved locally and select the file.
    5. From the Account choice list, select fin/payments/import and click Save and Close. You can see the saved .csv file in the Search Results section.
  3. Run the Tokenize Credit Card process.
    1. Navigate to: Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.
    2. Click the Schedule New Process button to open the Schedule New Process dialog box.
    3. From the Name choice list, search for and select the Tokenize Credit Card process and click OK to open the Process Details page.
    4. From the Credit Card Data Import File choice list, select the .csv file you uploaded and click Submit.
    5. In the Search Results section of the Scheduled Processes page, click the Refresh icon. The status of the submitted process appears, along with the output.
    6. Click the Attachment link to open the Attachments dialog box.
    7. Click the .txt link associated with your process to open the .txt file. You can view the unique, original system reference number that you entered in the tokenized spreadsheet. This indicates that the tokenized spreadsheet was uploaded.
  4. Verify the importation of tokens.
    1. Sign in to Receivables as a Receivables manager.
    2. Navigate to: Receivables > Accounts Receivable to open the Accounts Receivable work area.
    3. Select the Tasks icon and click the Manage Customers link to open the Manage Customers page.
    4. In the Organization Name field, enter the organization that you're looking for and click Search.
    5. Scroll down the page to the Search Results section and select the customer.
    6. Find and click the site number in the Sites table to open the Edit Site page.
    7. Click the Payment Details tab.
    8. In the Payment Instruments section, Credit Card tab, you can see the last four digits of the credit card number.