Overview of Tax Registration Number Validation Logic

You can validate the tax registration numbers as per the country's validation rules. Using Oracle Fusion Tax you can capture, maintain, and validate the tax information for enterprises, suppliers, customers, and other parties based in a specific country.

The taxation office, fiscal authorities, and other government agencies can validate the tax registration number for uniqueness, format, and check digits.

You can use the country specific tax registration number on the following user interfaces:

  • User interface with validation to select the validation type:

    • Manage Tax Registrations of Legal Reporting Unit Tax Profile, Third-Party Tax Profiles and Third-Party Site Tax Profiles

  • User interface with auto selected validation type:

    For these user interfaces the validation type that is set at the Manage country default controls task is considered and validation is triggered against that validation type.

    • Create / Manage Customers - Tax Profile -> Tax Registrations

    • Create / Manage Suppliers - Transaction Tax -> Tax Registrations