Generate a Joint Interest Billing Report

Joint venture accountants can run the process to generate joint interest billing reports.

  1. Navigate to Tools, Scheduled Processes.
  2. On Schedule New Process, search for the Submit Joint Interest Billing Report process by job.
  3. To select the data for the report, complete the following fields:
    • Joint Venture. Select a particular joint venture to include processed distributions for only this joint venture in the report. Leave this field blank to include the distributions for all your joint ventures.

    • Stakeholder. Select a particular stakeholder to include processed distributions for only this stakeholder in the report. Leave this field blank to include the distributions for all stakeholders.

    • Transaction from Date.

    • Transaction to Date.

      Enter a transaction date range to select corresponding joint venture distributions to include in the report. If you enter a date in only the Transaction from Date field, the process will select all processed distributions starting from the date you entered. If you leave these fields blank, the process will use the current date to identify the current period and will select all processed joint venture distributions for the prior period.

  4. For the Report Date, enter the date the joint interest billing report is generated. If you leave this field blank, the current date will be used as the report date.
  5. To select the report template to use, complete either of the following fields:
    • Template Source. Select the template specified in the joint venture definition or the template specified for each stakeholder.
    • Override Template. Select a template from the drop-down list. The list displays all the available BI Publisher templates for joint interest billing report.
  6. For the Delivery Method, select a value from the drop-down list. The default delivery method is Email.
    Note: You must select the same delivery method that you specified in the bursting definition SQL query in BI Publisher.
  7. If you select Email as the delivery method, complete the Sender’s Email Address field.
    This information is required if you specified Stakeholder as the Template Source or selected an override template. If you specified Joint Venture as the Template Source but haven’t entered a sender’s email address on the joint venture definition, you must complete this field. The sender’s email address you enter here will override the email address on the joint venture definition, if available.
  8. Click Submit.
    The process uses a combination of a parent process and subprocesses to print the reports and deliver them to stakeholders based on the delivery method you specified.
  9. To view the reports you printed:
    • Click an instance of the Print Joint Interest Billing Report: Subprocess in the Search Results section. You can view a list of all the reports created from this subprocess in the Output and Delivery section.
    • Click a report name to open and view the report. You can then proceed to download or print the report.
  10. To view details about the process, click your instance of the Submit Joint Interest Billing Report parent process in the Search Results section. Then, click the attachment in the Log and Output section to view these details:
    • Number of joint ventures or stakeholders selected for processing
    • Number of distinct templates selected to print the reports
    Note: If the process can’t print reports for some stakeholders or joint ventures due to errors, the attachment includes the details of the errors, such as template not found for a particular joint venture, stakeholder email address not specified, and so on.