Manage Carried Interest Agreements

You can update a carried interest agreement, but the changes you can make depend on its status and whether the carried interest agreement has been used to process transactions. The following table describes the changes you can make depending on the status of the carried interest agreement.

Status Action
Editing This is the initial status of a carried interest agreement. You can make any changes to a carried interest agreement in this status.

You must change a carried interest agreement to Active before you can use it to process transactions.

You can’t make any changes to a carried interest agreement that's active. You must change it to the Editing status to update it, for example to make changes to stakeholder groups.

Inactive Use this status to temporarily halt the processing of transactions with the carried interest agreement. For example, you might need to do this if disputes arise over ownership percentages. When resolved, you can return it to the Active status.
Closed Use this status to close a carried interest agreement. For data auditing and tracking purposes, you can’t change any details in a carried interest agreement that’s been closed. And you can’t delete the carried interest agreement or return it to an Active status.

You can also create user-defined statuses for carried interest agreements if your business process requires it.