Draw from Partner Contributions
The Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions – Assign and Draw Partner Contributions mode checks for cost-related distributions for a specified joint venture and stakeholder. It then draws from the open amount in partner contributions set up for the stakeholder to pay for the stakeholder’s cost distributions, which are typically debit amounts.
Each distribution covered by a partner contribution is updated with the ID of the partner contribution. This enables you to search for and review distributions paid with partner contributions in the Joint Venture Distributions work area.
If the open amount in a partner contribution for a stakeholder doesn’t cover the amount in a distribution, the distribution is split into two separate distributions:
A distribution with the amount covered by the open amount in the partner contribution.
A distribution with the remaining amount to be invoiced when the Create Joint Venture Invoices process is run. However, if there's another partner contribution available for the partner, the open amount in the partner contribution is applied to the distribution.