Overview of Joint Venture Transactions and Distributions

Schedule the following processes to identify joint venture transactions and create distributions from the transactions:

  • Identify Joint Venture Transactions

    This process uses the details in a joint venture definition to identify the transactions for a joint venture in Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials. If a default ownership definition is defined in the joint venture definition, you can configure the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process to assign the default ownership definition to transactions. The process helps to ensure transactions previously identified and processed by Oracle Joint Venture Management aren't processed again.

    If ownership definition assignment rules were set up for a joint venture, you can configure this process to apply the assignment rules to joint venture transactions. Assignment rules enable you to assign different ownership definitions or direct billed stakeholders to different types of joint venture transactions. You can use assignment rules in place of or with a default ownership definition. See Apply Ownership Definition Assignment Rules to Joint Venture Transactions for more information.

    After joint venture transactions are identified, you can run the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process in the Validate Ownership Definition Effective Dates mode. This optional mode enables you to validate whether the ownership definitions assigned to the transactions are effective on the transaction date.

  • Create Joint Venture Distributions

    Create distributions with each partner's share of expenses and revenue.

When set up to run on a schedule, this touchless processing enables you to manage joint venture transactions and distributions by exception using the Joint Venture Transactions and Joint Venture Distributions work areas. You can also run these processes on demand if you need to reprocess transactions to resolve disputes over distributed amounts or correct other issues. See Correcting Issues with Joint Venture Transactions and Distributions for more information.

The following image shows the flow of running these processes:

This image shows the workflow to identify joint venture transactions, apply ownership definition assignment rules to transactions, validate ownership definition effective dates, and create distributions.

After you run the processes to identify and distribute joint venture transactions, you can run the processes to create invoices or journal entries from joint venture distributions. Also, based on your business needs, you can run processes to use partner contributions to cover distribution amounts, calculate and distribute overhead costs, send cost adjustments to Project Costing, reverse distributions, and so forth.

Joint venture accountants can run these processes only on the joint ventures that are associated with business units that they're authorized to manage through data security. See Set Up Data Security for Oracle Joint Venture Management for more information.