Advanced Revenue Analyst
Code Name
Duty Roles
This job role is related to the following duty roles:
Subject Areas
This job role secures access to the following subject areas:
Business Questions
This job role secures access to data that can answer the following business questions:
What portion of transactions is made up of invoices, credit memos, chargeback, or debit memos?
What is the payment schedule for installment invoices over time?
What is the total amount of transactions for a specific customer?
What is the total of all adjustments for the period, by business unit?
What is the total amount of all transactions for the period by business unit?
What is the status of the open credit memo requests for the period by business unit?
What is the total amount of open credit memo requests for the period by business unit?
What credit memo requests were approved for the period by business unit?
What project costing transactions have contributed to a given account for a given period?
What is the account balance for a period broken down by supporting reference values?
Which sub ledger journals have posted accounting entries to a given account balance for this period?