Guidelines for Batching Transactions for Bills Receivable

Use the Create Bills Receivable Batch process to create a batch of bills receivable from customer transactions. Use the process parameters to specify the desired options for the batch and to limit the selection of transactions to batch for bills receivable.

Transactions eligible for inclusion in a bills receivable batch require these settings:

  • Bill-to customer defined as drawee.

  • Bills receivable creation receipt method.

  • All transactions must have the same currency and conversion rate.

In addition to preparing eligible transactions, review these setups and guidelines before running the Create Bills Receivable Batch process to create bills receivable from transactions:

  • Bills Receivable Transaction Sources

  • Bills Receivable Dates

  • Bills Receivable Creation Receipt Methods

Bills Receivable Transaction Sources

Transaction sources for bills receivable require these settings:

  • Source type of Manual.

  • Automatic batch numbering option enabled.

  • Value entered in the Last Number field.

  • Transaction source is both valid and active on the issue date of the bills receivable created by the batch process.

If you're using a bills receivable creation receipt method that has the Inherit Transaction Number option enabled, automatic numbering of bills receivable occurs in this way:

  • If the process creates a bill receivable from one transaction only, the bill receivable number inherits the transaction number, unless the transaction number is already used by another transaction with the same transaction source as the bill receivable.

  • If the transaction number of a bill receivable created from one transaction only is already used by another transaction with the same transaction source as the bill receivable, or if the process creates a bill receivable from more than one transaction, the process uses the automatic transaction numbering settings on the transaction source.

Bills Receivable Dates

Review the guidelines related to entering and using these bills receivable dates: accounting date, issue date, and maturity date.

This table describes the guidelines to follow for entering dates in bills receivable batches.



Accounting Date

Enter an accounting date that belongs to an open or future period. Bills receivable that don't require customer acceptance can inherit the accounting date of the batch.

For bills receivable that require customer acceptance, the accounting date is derived from the acceptance accounting date that you enter when the customer accepts the bill.

Issue Date

The issue date is the date that the bill receivable is created. You must enter an issue date with these parameters:

  • On or after the system date.

  • Valid for the date of the bills receivable creation receipt method assigned to transactions.

  • Valid for the bills receivable transaction type.

Maturity Date

The maturity date is the date when full payment is due on the bill receivable. The maturity date can't be earlier than the issue date. If you don't enter a date in this parameter, Receivables derives the maturity date from the bills receivable creation receipt method.

Bills Receivable Creation Receipt Methods

The bills receivable creation receipt method assigns important values to bills receivable, and determines how transactions are grouped into bills receivable.

This table describes the guidelines to follow for working with bills receivable creation receipt methods in bills receivable batches.



Bills Receivable Transaction Types

Because transaction types are set-enabled, the Transaction Type parameter of the Create Bills Receivable Batch process only makes available for selection the bills receivable transaction types:

  • Belonging to the reference data set of the business unit selected for the process run.

  • Assigned to the bills receivable creation receipt method of the process run, if one is selected.

If you want to use transactions belonging to more business units, then set up and assign to transactions the necessary number of bills receivable creation receipt methods and bills receivable transaction types to include all reference data sets with all the applicable business units.

Number of Bills Receivable Rule

The value of the Number of Bills Receivable Rule field determines how to group transactions into bills receivable:

  • If the rule is One per Customer or One per Customer Due Date, then at least one customer must contain an active drawee site defined as Primary. These rules can't group transactions from different customer sites with no site defined as Primary.

  • If the rule is One per Invoice, One per Payment Schedule, One per Site, or One per Site Due Date, then a primary drawee site isn't required, but the customer bill-to site must also be a drawee site. These rules can't group transactions if no bill-to site is defined as a drawee site.