Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account Report

Use the Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account Report to review information about outstanding receivables balances by general ledger account as of a specific accounting date and customer or customer site.

You can use this report both for aging and for reconciliation to the general ledger.

The following notes refer to using the Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account Report for reconciliation:

  • Select report parameter values consistent with the parameters of the Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation extract and report for inclusion or exclusion of on-account credits, unidentified payments, and on-account and unapplied cash.

  • Select the same balancing segment value as for the Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation extract and report.


    You can run the reconciliation report for other segments of the accounting flexfield, but this can cause different results between the two reports because only the Balancing Segment parameter is used by the aging report.

  • If you’re including credits in reconciliation, set the Show Open Credits parameter to Age to include credits in the total customer balance.

  • When reconciling by general ledger account, set the Report Summary parameter to Customer Summary to display grand totals by accounting flexfield.


Don’t use Advanced Collections Aging reports for reconciliation, because they don’t include general ledger account information. This applies to these three reports:

  • Aging by Common Currency Report

  • Collections Aging 4 Bucket Report

  • Collections Aging by Collector 7 Bucket Report

Use the Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account Report:

  • During reconciliation, to compare with the balances of the Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation Report.

  • To age or summarize open receivables.

Selected Report Parameters

Balancing Segment

Always select specific balancing segment values rather than running the report for all values.

Transaction As-of Date

Accounting date from which to include receivable open items.

Report Summary

  • Customer Summary: Prints customer names with their total open balances.

  • Invoice Summary: Prints information on all customer open receivables.

Report Format

The report format affects customer information, not transaction information:

  • Brief: Prints customer name and customer account number with item information.

  • Detailed: Prints customer city and state with contact name and telephone number.

Aging Bucket

Prints information from the bucket set you specify.

Show Open Credits

Select whether and how to include credit items in the report:

  • Age: Receivables ages your credit items and includes the credit amounts in the appropriate aging bucket columns.

  • Do Not Show: The report doesn’t include credit items in your customer balances. In this case, the report doesn’t display any of your unapplied, on-account or unidentified payments, or on-account credit memos.

  • Summarize: Displays the sum of your credit items in the Customer Credit Memos, Customer Payments, and Customer Balance rows.


When using the report for reconciliation, set the Show Open Credits parameter to Do Not Show, if you didn’t include these items in the Receivables to General Ledger Reconciliation extract and report.

Show Receipts at Risk

Receipts at risk are standard receipts that haven’t been cleared or factored receipts that haven’t been risk eliminated:

  • Age: Include receipts at risk in this report. The report displays the receipts at risk with other open receipts in the appropriate bucket and includes them when determining the customer balance.

  • Do Not Show: Receipts at risk aren’t included in this report.

  • Summarize: Displays the sum of your receipts at risk in the Customer Credit Memos, Customer Payments, and Customer Balance rows.


When using the report for reconciliation, always set the Show Receipts at Risk parameter to Do Not Show.

Report Output

The report can include both detail and summary information about customer current and past due invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks. If you set the Report Format parameter to Detailed, the report provides totals by customer site. If you set the Report Format parameter to Brief, the report provides totals by customer account number.

The report uses the Advanced Collections predefined aging method to display 7 aging buckets that indicate the current and past due amounts owed by a customer account or site over the designated number of days, with the last aging bucket (150+) containing transaction amounts over 150 days past due.


The balancing segment of the receivables account associated with the transaction included in this group.

Accounting Flexfield

The general ledger account concatenated segments and concatenated description.

Company Total

The total outstanding amount for the balancing segment value of the accounting flexfield. This heading only appears when the Report Summary parameter is set to Invoice Summary.

  • If you set the Show Open Credits parameter to Do Not Show or Summarize, the report doesn’t include credit item amounts in your company total.

  • If you set the Show Open Credits parameter to Age, the report includes credit item amounts in your company total.

Customer Balance

The total balance for each customer when you set the Show Open Credits parameter to Summarize. This balance includes all debit and credit items for each customer.

Customer Credit Memos

The total amount of credit memos for each customer if you set the Show Open Credits parameter to Summarize. This total is included in the Customer Balance row for each customer.

Total Debits

If you set the Show Open Credits parameter to Age, this total includes both debit items and credit items.

Customer Payments

If you set the Show Open Credits parameter to Summarize, this displays the total amount of payments for each customer within this site. Payments include both unapplied and on-account cash. This total is included in the Customer Balance row for each customer.

Customer Balance

The total balance for each customer.

  • If you set the Show Open Credits parameter to Do Not Show or Age, the report doesn’t include on-account payments, unapplied payments, and on-account credits in your customer balances.

  • If you set the Show Open Credits parameter to Summarize, these credit items are included in your customer balances.

Site Balance

If you set the Show Open Credits parameter to Summarize, this displays the total balance for each site. This balance includes all debit and credit items for each customer.

Site Credit Memos

If you set the Show Open Credits parameter to Summarize, this displays the total amount of credit memos for each customer site. This total is included in the Site Balance row for each customer.

Total Customer Balance

The total customer balance for all customers in the report.

Total for All Customers

The totals for all customers in the report.

Total Payments and Credit Memos

The total of credit items for all customers in the report.

Total for Accounting Flexfield

The total for each unique account code combination of the accounting flexfield.

Total for Report

This total only appears when the Report Summary parameter is set to Invoice Summary.

If you set the Show Open Credits parameter to Summarize, this total doesn’t include credits.