Reversed Receipts Report

Use the Reversed Receipts Report to review receipt reversals by reversal date and remittance bank. You reverse receipts when your customer stops payment or when a payment comes from an account with non-sufficient funds.

Display results and total receipts by bank, customer or reversal reason. Optionally review specific receipts by type, bank account, customer account number, reversal category or entered currency.

Use this report in conjunction with your customer payment processes.

Selected Report Parameters

From/To Reversal Date

The range of receipt reversal dates to include in the report.

Reversal Category

Review receipt reversals for this reversal category only.

Reversal Reason

If you selected a reversal category, review receipt reversals for this reversal reason within a reversal category only.

Receipt Type

Standard or Factoring.

Debit Memo Reversal Number

If reviewing debit memo reversals, enter the debit memo reversal number.

Report Output

The column order and subtotals depend on the value of the Subtotal by parameter: Bank, Customer or Reversal Reason.

This table describes the column headings in the Reversed Receipts Report.

Column Heading


Paying Customer

The name of the paying customer.

Paying Customer Account

The account number of the paying customer.

Customer Site

The identifier of the customer site.

Remittance Bank

The name of the remittance bank.

Remittance Bank Account

The number of the remittance bank account.

Receipt Number

The number of the receipt that was reversed.

Receipt Date

The date that the receipt was created.

Reversal Date

The date that the receipt was reversed.

Receipt Type

Standard or Factoring.

Reversal Category

The category of reasons why a receipt was reversed.

Reversal Reason

The specific reason within a category why a receipt was reversed.

Debit Memo Reversal Number

The number of the debit memo that records a debit memo reversal for the receipt.

Receipt Entered Amount

The amount of the receipt in the entered currency.

Receipt Currency

The entered currency of the receipt.

Receipt Accounted Amount

The amount of the receipt in the ledger currency.

This table describes the row headings in the Reversed Receipts Report.

Row Heading


[Remittance Bank Name] Total

Total of all reversed receipts for a remittance bank in the ledger currency.

[Reversal Reason] Total:

Total of all reversed receipts for a reversal reason in the ledger currency.

[Customer Name] Total

Total of all reversed receipts for a paying customer in the ledger currency.

Total Receipt Accounted Amount

Grand total of all reversed receipts in the ledger currency.