How Payables Standard Invoice Import Data Is Processed

Use the FBDI template for Import Payables Invoices process to create invoices from invoice records in the Oracle Fusion Payables open interface tables. After the import is complete, you can search for the invoices in Payables and validate them.


You can load data to interface tables using predefined templates and the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process. Both are part of the External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud. For more information about file-based data import, see the File-Based Data Import guide for your cloud services.

To access the template, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the File-Based Data Import for Oracle Financials Cloud guide.

  2. In the Table of Contents, click File-Based Data Imports.

  3. Click Payables Standard Invoice Import.

  4. In the File Links section, click the link to the XLSM template (XLSM template: PayablesStandardInvoiceImportTemplate.xlsm).

Follow these guidelines when preparing your data in the worksheet:

  • Enter the required information for each column. See the tool tips on each column header for detailed instructions.

  • Don't change the order of the columns in the template. Changing the order of the columns will cause the load process to fail.

  • You can hide or skip the columns you don't use, but don't delete them. Deleting columns causes the load process to fail.

Settings That Affect Import Payables Invoices

This table describes the parameters for submitting the import invoices process.



Business unit

Specify the business unit


Specify the ledger.


Select the source for the invoices for import. Select the External parameter when importing the invoices.

Import Set

To limit the import to invoices with a particular import set in the Payables open interface tables, you can specify the set. You can import data for the same source by specifying a unique import set for each request. This reduces the import processing time. The process imports the data with the source and group combination that you specify.

Invoice Group

Specify the name of an invoice group. If you're importing invoice records for the Spreadsheet source, enter the Spreadsheet invoice group name.


To apply a hold to all imported invoices, specify the hold name.

Hold Reason

Edit or accept the invoice hold reason description.

Accounting Date

Specify an accounting date. The import process assigns this date to any invoice in the batch that doesn't already have an accounting date at the line or header level. If you don't enter a date here, or at the invoice header or line, then import uses the accounting date basis to assign the date.


You can set the Accounting Date Basis option on the Manage Invoice Options page.


Select whether to delete all successfully imported invoice records that match the business unit, source, and import set, from the interface tables. Successful records are always purged based on business unit, source, and import set. If the three parameters match, records that were processed in earlier runs are also purged in the current run. Records for invoices that haven't been created yet remain in the tables.

Summarize Report

Select whether to summarize the audit part of the Payables Open Invoices Interface Import Report.


If you don't summarize and you're importing several invoice records, the report could be very long.

Calculate Tax During Import

Specify whether to accept or reject manual tax lines in an invoice during invoice import.

  • If you enter N, the import process accepts manual tax lines.
  • If you enter Y, manual tax lines aren't accepted. The Import Payables Invoices process rejects these invoices if tax line information is present in the spreadsheet.

Include URL attachments with the template, if required. URLs must begin with HTTP or HTTPS. You can include multiple attachment URLs separated by delimiters. The URL can be as long as supported by the browser (almost up to 2000 characters).


FBDI template only supports URL attachments. You can’t attach documents to the template for import.

How Payables Standard Invoices Are Imported

Once the invoice data has been prepared, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Go to the Instructions and CSV Generation tab and click the Generate CSV File button to generate a ZIP file containing the CSV file.
  2. Go to Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.
  3. Submit the Load Interface File for Import process.
  4. On the Process Details dialog box, select Import Payables Invoices as the import process and select the ZIP file as the data file.
  5. The data from the ZIP file will be loaded to the interface table AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE.
  6. After the Load Interface File for Import process is completed successfully, submit the Import Payables Invoices process.
  7. If there are errors during import, the errors can be corrected and re-uploaded using the Correct Import Errors spreadsheet.
  8. Once you’ve corrected all errors, click the Upload and Import button.

Successfully imported invoices have distributions and installments that you can query, update, and validate. The import process rejects invoice records with insufficient or invalid data. The process produces a report so you can review the invoices that weren't imported. You can use the Correct Import Errors task to fix the problems identified in the report and then resubmit the import process.

Correcting Payables Invoice Import Errors

The Correct Import Errors spreadsheet enables you to correct import errors that occur during the Payables Invoice import process. You can use the Search feature to find specific invoice records in the Correct Import Errors spreadsheet. The search feature can be accessed using the Search button on the ribbon toolbar. This launches a new window to conduct your search by entering your parameters. A list of parameters is delivered to you, but they aren't required when you conduct your search. Each of the parameters is optional and can be used to limit the results of your search. The following table lists the parameters available to you:

Parameter Name


Business Unit

Choose the business unit assigned to the invoices.

Invoice Source

Select the source where the invoice originated or was created.

Import Set

Specify the Import Set to limit your search results.


Specify a Supplier to limit your search results.

Supplier Site

Specify a Supplier Site to limit your search results.

Create Date Range

Specify a range of invoice creation dates to limit your search results.

Invoice Date

Specify an invoice date to limit your search results.

Invoice Number

Specify an invoice number to limit your search results.

Invoice Line Number

You can enter a range of values such as 1 in the first column and 10 in the second to retrieve the first 10 lines. If you enter only one value in the column such as 2, then the range is considered to be 2-2.

Show Only Invoice Header

If you only want the invoice header information, enable the check box.

Show Only Error Lines

Change the option to Yes to retrieve only the invoice lines with errors.

Number of Invoices

You can choose any of the available values provided to replace the default value of 50. This decides the maximum number of invoices retrieved in your search.

Total Number of Invoice Lines

You can choose any of the available values provided to replace the default value of 1000. This specifies the total number of invoice lines retrieved in your search.


The Correct Import Errors spreadsheet doesn't list certain erroneous invoice records. For example, if you're importing Tax Only line without account information, and a nonrecoverable tax account isn't defined, this will be considered a tax error, rather than an import error. The spreadsheet doesn't list the invoice record in this case. You can find errors like these in import process log. Fix the tax setup to resolve this issue.

Tips and Considerations

Consider the following when you conduct your search:

  • No parameters are required for your search.

  • Only 2 parameters have default values: Number of Invoices and Total Number of Invoice Lines.

  • You can add PO number on invoice line. It’s used to default supplier details on invoice and actual PO details to be captured at line level.

    You can add PO number on invoice line. It’s used to default supplier details on invoice and actual PO details to be captured at line level.
  • If you search using the default values, results in the number of invoices and invoice lines displayed are those based on the default parameter values.

  • Once the invoices are downloaded onto the spreadsheet, a message shows you the total number of invoices downloaded from your search results.

  • If the total number of invoices that require correction exceed the limit specified in the Number of Invoices parameter, then a message shows you that there are more invoices that require correction.

  • If the total number of invoice lines that require correction exceed the limit specified in the parameter Total Number of Invoice Lines, then a message informs you that there are more lines for the invoices that require correction.

  • Select the parameter External when importing the invoices.

  • Supplier Bank Account Import FBDI is meant only for creation of supplier bank accounts and can't be used to update existing bank accounts.

  • The FBDI spreadsheet doesn't support creation of Prepayment invoices.

  • You can include URL attachments in the FBDI spreadsheet as long as they can be directly accessed from a browser.

Overriding System-Generated Default Values

You can override system-generated default values for certain columns in the interface tables by specifying a value of #NULL for those columns. Use the number sign (#) followed by NULL when all the following apply:

  • The column isn't required and has logic to assign default values.

  • You don't want to provide a value for the column, and you want to override the system-generated default value.

When a column has a value of #NULL, the system-generated defaults are ignored, and the invoices are loaded into the interface tables with a null value.

This table lists the interface tables and columns that accept a value of #NULL.

Open Interface Table
