How You Transfer Funds Between Bank Accounts

Use the Manage Bank Account Transfers page to manage fund transfers between two internal bank accounts. The following list provides the elements for:

  • Payment status

  • Bank account information

  • Payment status details

Manage Bank Account Transfers Table:

Display Name


Transfer Number

Unique bank account transfer reference that's system generated.

From Account

The bank account that initiates the transfer.

To Account

The bank account receiving the transfer.

Transfer Date

Date of transfer.


Amount to transfer.


Currency of the amount transferred.


Status of the bank account transfer. Valid values are:

  • Pending Approval

  • Approved

  • Rejected

  • Validated

  • Invalid

  • Settlement in Process

  • Failed

  • Completed

  • Voided

  • Canceled


After canceling the bank account transaction, the two external cash transactions generated (one for the provider bank account and one for the receiver bank account) are automatically voided.

Payment Status See Payment Status in this topic.
Action The Action icon is only enabled if the payment status is actionable.
Business Unit The business unit name of the disbursement bank account, available when the Settle transaction through Payments option is selected.
Payment Profile The name of the payment profile for the bank account transfer, available when the Settle transaction through Payments option is selected.
Payment Method The payment method for the bank account transfer, available when the Settle transaction through Payments option is selected.
Payment File The unique identifier of the payment file generated for the bank account transfer, available when the Settle transaction through Payments option is selected.

Payment Status

The status is a combination of the Payment Process Request and payment file. The payment status can be either nonactionable or actionable.

The following tables list the possible statuses:

Nonactionable Status



The payment has been formatted but transmission isn't needed.


The payment has been formatted and transmitted.


The payment has been terminated by the user.

Actionable Status


Pending action to address document validation errors

Correction or missing data needed.

Pending action to address payment validation errors

Correction or missing data needed.

Failed validation and pending action

Correction or missing data needed.

Formatted and ready for transmission

Passed validation and ready to be transmitted.

Failed formatting and pending action

Correction or missing data needed.

Transmission failed

Correction or missing data needed.

Cash Management calls the Resolve Document Validation Errors in Oracle Fusion Payment to let you resolve issues encountered during the payment process request.