Statutory Heading

Use statutory headings to print the official heading on all statutory reports. After the legal authority approves the header information for your company, you must print the header on all your statutory official company reports.


You can print statutory headings according to the legal format in Italy. And you can also print statutory headings in any other country format.

After you print the statutory heading, you can see these details on every report page:

  • First-party legal entity name

  • Address

  • Tax registration number

  • Taxpayer ID

  • Commercial ID

Statutory headings have two parameters:

  • First Page Number: Indicates the starting page number that you print on the report. The default value is 1. The statutory heading prints a sequential page number on each sheet. If necessary, you can print additional sheets beginning from the next page number in the sequence.

  • Report Heading: Indicates the heading type that you print on the report. You can print either the first page number or the first-party legal entity information, or both.

You can apply these parameters based on your report.