Additional Budgetary Control Liquidation Validation

Enable the Additional Budgetary Control Liquidation Validation feature in the Enterprise Options region of the Manage Budgetary Control and Encumbrance Accounting page to fail budgetary control validation when the liquidation of a transaction doesn't impact the same control budget as originally reserved.

This feature when enabled will fail budgetary control validation with the funds status of Budget period doesn't exist in the control budget when the liquidation of the commitment or obligation impacts a different control budget than the original reservation. This option is automatically enabled for new customers. Upgrade users can chose if they want to enable this option. Once this feature is enabled, it can't be disabled.

The liquidation date is determined by the Default Date Rule setting on the Manage Budgetary Control page. The default date rule can be set to the system date, current transaction budget date, or prior related transaction budget date. This feature is only applicable when you have chosen system date or current transaction budget date for the default date rule. Prior related transaction budget date will use the same budget date as the original transaction.

Example of Enabling Additional Impact to Budgetary Control Results with Validation

This example shows how the feature will impact the budgetary control results depending on the default date rule setting.

The table shows the control budgets.

Control Budget

Start Budget Period

End Budget Period

Office Supplies FY 2019

January 2019

December 2019

Office Supplies FY 2020

January 2020

December 2020

I have a purchase order for office chairs with a budget date of 24-DEC-2019, that reserves against the Office Supplies FY2019 control budget. The payables invoice comes in the following year and has a budget date of 19-JAN-2020 and is entered in the application in 08-FEB-2020. This table shows the transactions.


Budget Date

System Date

Impacted Control Budget

Purchase order



Office Supplies FY2019

Invoice matched to purchase order



See table below for PO liquidation result based on the default date rule setting.

  • Assuming there are sufficient funds in all budget periods and the periods are open.

Default Date Rule

PO Liquidation Result with Feature Enabled

PO Liquidation with Feature Disabled

Current Transaction Budget Date

Budget date on invoice is used:

Liquidation Budget Date 19-JAN-2020

Fail: not liquidating in the same control budget as the PO was originally reserved, Office Supplies FY2019.

Invoice validation will place funds hold because of budgetary control failure.

Liquidation isn't created because the liquidation budget period isn't in Office Supplies FY2019.

Invoice is validated.

System Date

Date when invoice is validated is used: Liquidation Budget Date 08-FEB-2020

Fail: not liquidating in the same control budget as the PO was originally reserved, Office Supplies FY2019.

Invoice validation will place funds hold because of budgetary control failure.

Liquidation isn't created because the liquidation budget period isn't in Office Supplies FY2019.

Invoice is validated.

Prior Transaction Budget Date

Budget date on purchase order is used: Liquidation Budget Date 24-DEC-2019

Invoice is validated. Liquidation is created:

  • (-) Obligation

  • Budget date: 24-DEC-2019

  • Control budget: Office Supplies FY2019

Invoice is validated. Liquidation is created:

  • (-) Obligation

  • Budget date: 24-DEC-2019

  • Control budget: Office Supplies FY2019