Wait Days

Using Oracle Fusion Expenses, you can hold the main corporate card transactions from use until the detail corporate card transactions arrive. This ensures that employees can include the itemization detail provided by the card issuer in their expense reports.

Two types of wait days control the maximum duration that the application waits for the detail transactions to arrive:

  • Transaction detail wait days

  • Merchant wait days


Wait days are applicable only when the merchant provides Level 3 detail transaction data. No wait period is applicable for transactions from merchants who don't provide transaction detail.

Transaction Detail Wait Days

Transaction detail wait days are the number of days the application is set up to hold the main transaction data while waiting for detail transaction data from a merchant. Detail transaction data may or may not arrive.

You can set a wait period at the corporate card program level by selecting a value from the Transaction Detail Wait Days choice list on the Upload Rules tab of the Create Corporate Card Program page. If defined, the application uses the smaller value between the transaction detail wait days and the merchant wait days as the wait period for the main transactions.

Merchant Wait Days

Merchant wait days are calculated by the application. It's the difference, in days, between receiving the main transactions and receiving detail transactions when they arrive for the first time. Thereafter, merchant wait days are computed as follows:

  • Detail Transactions Arrival Date minus Main Transactions Arrival Date plus Most Recent Merchant Wait Days for the Main Transactions Upload divided by two.

A merchant can provide detail transactions either with the main transactions or as a separate delivery. If they're provided as a separate delivery, the Upload Corporate Card Transaction File process holds the main transactions for a specified time period while waiting for the detail transactions. During this wait period, the main transactions aren't available for expense reports. After each delivery of detail transactions, the merchant's wait days are updated by the application according to the preceding formula.


The actual time that data arrives isn't a factor in the merchant wait days or in the application's wait days' calculation.

The following table shows the calculations associated with detail transactions and merchant wait days based on transaction data arrival dates using sample data. The table data is based on a transaction detail wait days setting of five days.

Data Upload

Main Transactions Arrival Date

Detail Transactions Arrival Date

Merchant Wait Days

Application Transaction Wait Days

Latest Date Transactions are Available in Expense Report

Actual Date Transactions are Available in Expense Report

First Time: Detail transactions arrival date minus main transactions arrival date

Thereafter, detail transactions arrival date minus main transactions arrival date plus most recent merchant wait days for the main transactions upload divided by 2.

Application uses the minimum of transaction detail wait days or merchant wait days for the main transactions upload plus 1 day.

Date the transaction detail wait days end.

Actual date the main and detail transactions are available in the expense report.

Main Transactions 1

May 1



The merchant has never provided detail transactions. Therefore, no merchant wait days exist in the application.

0 Days

The merchant didn't provide details transactions. Therefore, the application doesn't wait.

May 1

Available immediately.

May 1

Available immediately.

Detail Transactions 1


May 5

4 Days



May 5

Main Transactions 2

May 7


4 Days

Previously calculated merchant wait days.

5 Days

The application waits for the minimum of 5 transaction detail wait days or 4 merchant wait days plus 1 day.

May 11

May 7 + 5 application wait days = May 12.


Detail Transactions 2


May 9

3 Days

(May 9 minus May 7) +4 /2.



May 9

Main Transactions 3

May 12


3 Days

Previously calculated merchant wait days.

4 Days

The application waits for the minimum of 5 transaction detail wait days or 3 merchant wait days plus 1 day.

May 15

May 12 + 4 application wait days = May 16.