Business Object Service Data Types

A service operation payload element and service data object attribute can be one of the following data types:

  • Built-in data types

  • Complex data types defined by Application Development Framework (ADF)

  • Complex data types defined by Oracle Applications Cloud, which are effectively the service data objects

Built-in Data Types

The built-in data types are defined in the XML Schema namespace. For more information, refer to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

The built-in data types of service operation payload elements and service data object attributes as they are represented in the service XSD and service data object XSDs are:

  • anyType: Service operation payload elements and service data object attributes are strongly typed. There are a few exceptions. anyType is used as the service operation parameter type for custom business object services such as the Marketing Custom Business Object service, which processes custom business objects defined in Application Composer.

  • boolean

  • byte

  • decimal

  • double

  • float

  • int

  • integer

  • long

  • short

  • string

The hexBinary, dateTime, time, and date built-in data types are not used in the business object interface. Instead, complex data types defined by ADF are used.

Complex Data Types Defined by Application Development Framework

The complex data types defined by ADF are used as data types for service operation payload elements and service data object attributes. The exceptions are AmountType and MeasureType data types, which are used only for service data object attributes.

These complex data types are defined in two XML schema files:

To view these schema files on a cloud instance, follow the instructions in Business Object Service Operations and replace the tokens in the following URLs:

  • For all complex type definitions, except ProcessData, reference: https://(FADomain,FSCMServices)/fscmService/ServiceCatalogService?XSD=/META-INF/wsdl/BC4JService.xsd

  • For ProcessData type definition only, reference: https://(FADomain,FSCMServices)/fscmService/ServiceCatalogService?XSD=/META-INF/wsdl/BC4JServiceCS.xsd

This table lists some commonly used complex data types defined by ADF. This is not an exhaustive list.

Complex Data Type QName Description
{}AmountType Data type for service data object attributes that specify an amount or price in a particular currency. Attributes of this type capture both the currency and the amount in that currency. Names for this type typically end with Amount or Price.
{}base64Binary-DataHandler Data type for Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs) and Character Large OBjects (CLOBs).
{}date-Date Data type for dates.
{}dateTime-Timestamp Data type for timestamps.
{}FindControl Data type for a parameter of the find operation. This is not being used in the current release and is intended for future use.
{}FindCriteria Data type for a parameter of the find operation. This parameter controls the fetch start, fetch size, search criteria, sort order, and attribute inclusion or exclusion.
{}MeasureType Data type for service data object attributes that contain a quantity in a specified unit of measure. Attributes of this type capture both the quantity and the unit of measure. Names for this type typically end with Measure or Quantity.
{}MethodResult Data type to store service warning messages. If you enable service warnings in an underlying service data object implementation, this is the return object type of the delete operation.
{}ObjAttrHints Data type for the return value of the getDfltObjAttrHints operation. The return value contains a name-value pair:
  • Name, plural name, and description of the service data object

  • UI hints for the service data object attributes

{}ProcessControl Data type for a parameter of the process and processCS operation. This parameter controls the level of detail for the return data in the response payload and whether to allow partial failure.
{}ProcessData Data type for a parameter of the processCS operation.
{}StringResult Data type for the return parameter of custom service operations that return multiple string values and warning messages. This type is used only if you enable service warnings.

Complex Data Types Defined by Oracle Applications

The complex data types defined by Oracle Applications Cloud are:

  • Service data objects: Defined as an element that is a complex type composed of a sequence of elements. The service data object attributes are defined as the elements in the complex type. Sales lead, sales lead contacts, and sales lead products are examples of service data objects defined on the sales lead service. For more information, see Service Data Object XSDs.

  • Complex types related to the service data objects that extend the {}MethodResult type: Defined for service data objects which are designed with service warnings enabled, and can contain both service data object and warning messages. For more information, see the example in create Operation.

Related Topics
  • Understanding Business Object Services
  • Service Interface Artifacts
  • Business Object Service Operations