getEntityList Operation

This operation retrieves the list of service data objects defined on a business object service.

If the business object service implements a generic service interface, this operation retrieves information about custom objects defined in the Application Composer. For example, invoking the getEntityList operation on the Sales Custom Business Object service returns the custom objects defined in the Sales application in the Application Composer. Other business object services which implement a generic service interface include Custom Common Business Object, Customer Custom Business Object, Marketing Custom Business Object, Sales Custom Business Object, Sales Lead Custom Business Object, and Sales Territory Custom Business Object.

For each service data object, the response payload includes:

  • QName: A fully qualified name of the corresponding XML Schema complex type representing the service data object.

  • Service view usage name for the service data object: An internal value in the application module that defines the service. This value can be passed as a parameter to the getDfltObjAttrHints operation to get UI hints for attributes in the service data object.

  • Object name for custom objects defined in Application Composer: This information is returned only when the operation is invoked on a business object service that implements a generic service interface.

  • Boolean values: These values indicate whether create, update, merge, and delete operations can be performed directly on the service data object. The default value is false.

Operation Signature

The following is the signature of the getEntityList operation, which doesn't accept any input parameters.

<element name="getEntityList">

The response payload contains information about the service data objects in this service definition. For the definition of ServiceViewInfo, see Sample BC4JService.xsd.

<element name="getEntityListResponse">
            <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" 
            name="result" type="ns2:ServiceViewInfo"/>


This example shows a request payload for the getEntityList operation defined on the Sales Lead service.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">

The sample response payload contains information for all the service data objects referenced in the Sales Lead service. For a given result, the typeName can be mapped to a service data object. If canCreate, canUpdate, canMerge or canDelete is set to true, the corresponding standard CRUD operation is exposed on the service interface of the service data object. This example shows only the first two elements of the response payload.

<ns0:getEntityListResponse xmlns="" 
    <ns1:result xmlns:ns0=""  
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns0:ServiceViewInfo">
    <ns1:result xmlns:ns0="" 
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns0:ServiceViewInfo">
    <ns1:result xmlns:ns0="" 
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns0:ServiceViewInfo">

Related Operations

To get UI hints for the service data objects in a service definition, pass the name element in the getEntityList response payload to the getDfltObjAttrHints request payload.

Related Topics
  • Standard Metadata Operations
  • getServiceLastUpdateTime Operation
  • getDfltObjAttrHints Operation