About Dashboard Versions

Dashboards are currently available in two versions: Dashboard 1.0 and Dashboard 2.0. To help you differentiate between the dashboard versions on the Dashboards listing page, we've provided an icon in front of each dashboard:

  • Dashboard icon for Dashboard 1.0: Dashboard 1.0

  • Dashboard icon for Dashboard 2.0: Dashboard 2.0

Both dashboard versions currently coexist in the same business process at the same time. Depending on which version you are viewing, the dashboards will look a little different and the user interface is also slightly different.

For information about creating dashboards, see Creating and Managing Dashboards in Administering FreeForm.

Dashboard 2.0 Runtime Features

Dashboard 2.0 Runtime supports:

  • More chart types than Dashboard 1.0; for example, Waterfall, Pyramid, and Geomap and sub-chart types for Radar, Combination, and Gauge charts are all Dashboard 2.0 features

  • Creating tables in dashboards with visual inline views of data, called Spark Charts

  • Quick Analysis, which lets you add components to dashboards without having a prebuilt form

    You create an ad hoc query by typing member names in the Search bar or using the Member Selector, and then you control the layout of the query in the Layout tab of the Properties panel.

  • Working directly with data in form grids if the underlying form is a Forms 2.0 form

  • If working with a Forms 2.0 form grid:

    • Global write-back option: global Save button with Run on Save rules

    • Individual form write-back option: local Save with Run on Save rules

    • In table charts, highlighting parent members to distinguish from leaf-level members

  • Updated global and local POV bars that use the Oracle JET member selector

  • An updated Maximize mode in charts and grids that are now consistent with one another

  • Enhanced master forms and details that enable you to apply context from any grid

  • Flexible layouts for all dashboards

  • Valid intersections support for global and local POV bars

  • The ability to Edit and Edit without Data from a custom menu outside of the Dashboards listing page

  • Information icon for runtime dashboards and forms

  • Opening and editing forms from within a runtime dashboard

  • The ability to visualize different chart types in a runtime dashboard component

  • Drill-through in single and multiple Pie and Doughnut charts

  • Rationalized Actions, POV Settings, and Component menus

  • The ability to switch over to Oracle Smart View for Office for all data operations; for example, Open, Edit, Create, Refresh, Data Submit, Page/POV Change

  • A conversion utility to convert from Dashboard 1.0 to Dashboard 2.0; both batch conversions (at the folder level) and individual dashboard conversions are supported

  • The ability to filter Dashboard 1.0 and Dashboard 2.0 dashboards on the listing page

  • The ability to edit dashboards not only from the Dashboards listing and runtime pages, but also from custom navigation menus wherein dashboards are embedded.

Considerations for Dashboard 2.0

  • 3D visualization is not supported in Dashboard 2.0. This affects the following Dashboard 2.0 chart types:

    • Area

    • Bar

    • Bubble

    • Column

    • Combination

    • Doughnut

    • Gauge

    • Line

    • Radar

    • Scatter

    Dashboard 1.0 still supports 3D visualizations for these chart types.

  • In a future update, Dashboard 2.0 will support Smart Push.