Examples of Spreading Data with Cell Locking

To learn how data is spread when cells are locked, see these examples.

Example 1

Before locking and spreading, Account A has these values:

Screenshot of data before cell locking

You then lock the Feb and Mar values at 100 and change Q1 from 300 to 600. Because Jan, Feb, and Mar must now total 600, and Feb and Mar are locked at 100 each, FreeForm calculates Jan to be 400 and fills in that value:

Screenshot of data after cell locking

Example 2

Before locking and spreading, Account B has these values:

Screenshot of data before locking - example 2

You then lock Q1 and Q2 values at 100 each and change Year Total from 400 to 800. Because the yearly total must equal 800, and Q1 and Q2 are locked at 100 each, Q3 and Q4 are calculated to be 300 each:

Screenshot of data after locking - example 2