Selecting Different Data to Work With

Under the form name, a bar displays boxes that show which member data you’re working with. This top bar consists of the following parts:

  • The POV axis is displayed as black text. Your administrator selects these members for the form; you can’t select different members for this dimension.

  • The Page axis is displayed as blue hyperlinks. Click the hyperlink to select different members to work with.

  • Dynamic POVs are displayed as blue hyperlinks. Click the hyperlink to select different members to work with.

  • The Global POV bar is displayed as a bar at the top of the dashboard, if it's enabled. If you change a page in the global POV bar and then click GO, the page changes for all objects that are based on forms.

When you make a change to the POV, the change is reflected within seconds in any of your parallel sessions without having to log out of the web interface. For example, if you change the POV in a form in the web interface, the change is reflected for your session in Oracle Smart View for Office, in a REST API call, or in Reports. This ensures that any changes you make to the POV are reflected in all of your open sessions.

  • If you make a change to the POV in any session other than the web interface, you must re-open the form in the web interface to see the updated member in the POV.
  • If you are using vertical tabs in the web interface, if you make a change to the POV in a form on one tab, the change is reflected right away in a form on another vertical tab.