Spreading Data for Time Periods

While working in forms, you can spread, or distribute, values, as described here.

You can:

  • Spread the value in a summary time period back to its base time periods, or to the first parent or first child of its parent time period

  • Spread values among children and parents proportionally, based on existing distribution

  • Spread values based on a calendar’s weekly distribution in a quarter, which could be 4-4-5, 5-4-4, 4-5-4, or None

  • Fill the parent's value to all its descendants

  • Temporarily lock certain cell values while spreading data over time periods (see Locking Cells)

You can select, copy, paste, or adjust multiple values. If you paste data to time periods, FreeForm applies the spreading rules for each cell in succession, starting from left to right and top to bottom. The data resulting from a paste operation may not match the original copied data. See How Spreading Data Works.


  • You can't spread data in a summary time period that includes members with mixed currencies.

  • Values for summary time periods are automatically spread, even if the form uses an alternate hierarchy for Period, so ensure that the spread results are correct. Oracle recommends against entering data into alternate hierarchy members, because the values could spread incorrectly.

To spread data for time periods:

  1. In a form, put the cursor in the cell with the value to spread.
  2. Enter the value.

    The value is distributed according to the rules described in How Spreading Data Works.

  3. Click Save.