Working with Dashboard 1.0 Dashboards

As a reminder, Dashboard 1.0 dashboards on the listing page are identified by this icon: Dashboard 1.0 icon

Move the cursor over an object on the dashboard to display the hover toolbar Dashboard 1.0 hover icons.

Dashboard 1.0 hover icons provide options such as Instructions, Actions, Save, Refresh, Settings, and Maximize, depending on the type of object.

To work with objects in Dashboard 1.0 dashboards, from the hover toolbar:

  • Click Instructions Instructions icon for Forms to view instructions for a form (only available if instructions are configured for a form).
  • Click Actions Gear icon for Actions to access such form options as Spreadsheet Export or Supporting Detail.
  • Click Settings Gears icon for Settings to change the chart type associated with the form or its height percentage.

Customize charts in dashboards. Each chart type has options that are specific to it. For example, for a bar chart, you can set:

  • The width percentage of the bars
  • The type of chart displayed (for example to area, bubble, column, doughnut, funnel, gauge, scatter, radar, and so on)
  • The chart to display in 3D
  • Horizontal or vertical placement
  • The background
  • The legend's and label's position

And if the 1.0 dashboard includes a gauge chart type, you can set the Maximum Value that the dial displays.

To learn more about dashboards and chart type options, see Designing Dashboards in Administering FreeForm.

To select members in a 1.0 version of a dashboard, use the member selector. See Using the Member Selector in Administering FreeForm.

Some other points to know about using 1.0 dashboards:

  • Changes you make to the chart type options aren't saved for the next session. Clicking Save saves the data you enter or change, but not the dashboard definition.
  • If you select a new value from the Page drop-down in dashboards, a Go button (right arrow) is displayed in the POV bar.

    Right arrow (Go button) in the POV when a new Page is selected

    Click the Go button to show your selection.

  • You can enter or change data in a form's cell only if the intersection in the underlying form is writable.
  • In a Smart Form (with the form design option Autosave enabled), when you enter data and tab out of the cell, the other objects refresh, displaying fresh data.
  • By default, missing or suppressed data is plotted as zeros in graphs. You can clear the Plot Missing Values as Zero setting to ignore missing or suppressed data in certain chart types so it's no longer plotted as zeros. The chart types to which this setting applies are Area, Bubble, Combination, Line, Radar, and Scatter.
  • For Dashboards that use a Flexible layout, you can drag an object's border to resize it. You can also click an object's handle to expand it, and then click the handle again to restore the object to its original size.