Reviewing Detailed Reports for Auto Predict Predictions

You can review Auto Predict prediction result details in a downloadable report in an Excel worksheet format, including details such as prediction status, method used, and prediction accuracy.

The Excel workbook contains several worksheets:

  • Summary: A summary of the prediction including details about the prediction and POV used, and any events that were considered during the prediction.

  • Report: A detailed report of the prediction displayed by series using the alias for member names. Includes details such as status, accuracy, prediction method, seasonality, adjusted outliers, error measure, and other prediction statistics.

  • SV_Series_Data_CubeName (Smart View Series Data) data access sheet: Data access for the cube used for the prediction using Smart View. Also allows you to perform ad hoc analysis on prediction data. For multiple cube jobs, includes a worksheet for the source cube and a worksheet for the prediction cube.

The detailed report is automatically generated when an Auto Predict job runs and is available in compressed format in the Outbox when the job is complete. The report is overwritten the next time the Auto Predict prediction job runs.

Reviewing the Report

To review the report from the Auto Predict page:

  1. From the Home page, click Application, then click Overview, and then from the Actions menu, select Auto Predict.

    Alternatively, if you're using IPM Insights, from the Home page, click IPM and then click Configure

  2. From the Actions menu next to an Auto Predict definition, select Download Report.

To download the report from the Outbox:

  1. From the Home page, click Application, and then click Overview.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Inbox/Outbox Explorer.

  3. Look for and download the file.

Analyzing Prediction Data

On the SV_Series_Data_CubeName worksheet, you can perform ad hoc analysis using Smart View and drill into prediction data:

  1. Select the SV_Series_Data_CubeName worksheet. The worksheet is populated with basic information including the historical date range, the prediction date range, and a member to start analysis.

  2. Connect to the server where the Auto Predict prediction was run.

  3. Select the cube used for the prediction (the cube name is appended to the worksheet name) and then select Set Active Connection for this Worksheet.

    If the prediction definition uses two cubes, a source cube and a prediction cube, repeat this step on both SV_Series_Data_CubeName worksheets, selecting the appropriate cube to associate with each worksheet.

  4. Click Refresh.

Tips for analyzing prediction data:

  • For members you want to analyze, copy and paste the members from the Report worksheet (from the Series Dimension columns) to the SV_Series_Data_CubeName worksheet.
  • On the Report worksheet, you can sort to analyze data in different ways. For example, sort on the Accuracy column to review cases with low accuracy. Then, copy and paste the members you want to analyze further to the SV_Series_Data_CubeName worksheet, for example, the ten members with the lowest accuracy.

  • Use Excel charting features to visualize prediction results in different ways.
  • If you want to use Predictive Planning on the worksheet data, you must first pivot all of the dimensions from the columns, other than the month and year, to the POV using the Planning Ad Hoc menu.