Creating Folders

Use folders to hierarchically organize forms and business rules. You can move folders within the hierarchy, and give folders the same name if they are on different hierarchical levels. You can't:

  • Delete folders unless they are empty

  • Select multiple folders

  • Rename, move, or delete the top-level folder. For Forms, the top-level folder is called Library. For Business Rules, the top-level folder is called CalcMgrRules.

  • Add files to the top-level folder unless you're an administrator

To create folders:

  1. Perform an action:
    • For form folders: Click the Navigator icon Navigator icon, and then under Create and Manage, click Forms.

    • For Calculation Manager business rule folders: Click the Navigator icon Navigator icon, and then under Create and Manage, click Rules Security.

  2. Select the folder under which to create the folder.
  3. Above the folders list, click Create.
  4. Enter the folder name.
  5. Click OK.