Planning Admin Extension and Office AutoCorrect


The information in this topic applies to the Planning Admin Extension on the Windows-based version of Oracle Smart View for Office; this information does not apply to the Planning Admin Extension in Oracle Smart View for Office (Mac and Browser).

In the Planning Admin Extension on Windows-based versions of Excel, Office AutoCorrect can affect member editing in Smart View.

When editing member properties, such as member names, member descriptions, aliases, or member formulas of the data type Text, you may have names that begin with two initial capital letters; for example


Excel will autocorrect this name to one initial capital; for example:


In Excel, you can set an AutoCorrect option to retain two initial capital letters in a name.

To retain two initial capital letters in a name:

  1. In Excel, access the Excel Options dialog.

  2. Select Proofing, and then click the AutoCorrect Options button.

  3. In the AutoCorrect dialog, clear the Correct TWo INitial CApitals check box.

  4. Click OK to close the AutoCorrect dialog, and then click OK to close the Excel Options dialog.

The change takes effect immediately. There is no need to restart Excel.