Segment Properties

To access Segment Properties for a form, click the row number in the form layout.

Table 19-14 Segment Properties

Option Description
Apply to all rows

Clear to specify different properties for individual rows.

Apply to all columns

Clear to specify different properties for individual columns.


Conceal a column or row


Create a read-only row or column, enabling users to compare old, read-only data with new, editable data.

Show separator

Create a bold border before the segment to visually distinguish it

Suppress hierarchy

Suppress indentation.

Suppress missing data

Hides empty rows or columns. Clear to display rows or columns with "#MISSING" in cells when data is missing.

Suppress invalid Scenario/Time Periods

This option ties the column display to the start and end period for the scenario. If selected, it suppresses the display of time periods outside of the scenario time period range.

Column width

  • Default: Use the column width defined at the grid level (under Grid Properties)

  • Small: 50px

  • Medium: 100px

  • Large: 300px

  • Size-to-Fit: Column will expand to fit data

  • Custom: Specify the number of pixels

Row height

  • Default: Use the row height defined at the grid level (under Grid Properties)

  • Medium: Use standard height

  • Size-to-Fit: Row will expand to fit data

  • Custom: Specify the number of pixels

Enable drop-down for dimensions

Allows you to set up drop-down member selectors on row dimensions in Oracle Smart View for Office grids and business process web forms. When these drop-down selectors are enabled, form users can directly select a member from the drop-down list on the row dimension in the form. For example, suppose there are two dimensions placed on the row axes, Entities and Line item; the member selector drop-down may be enabled for the Entity dimension members, for the Line item dimension members, or for both. Depending on the settings chosen by the Service Administrator, the drop-down member selector may also allow users to add data to member rows that may have otherwise been suppressed or excluded.


You cannot enable a drop-down member selector on a form that already contains a server-side member formula.