Understanding FreeForm

FreeForm is a Reporting, Analysis, and Planning application. FreeForm enables you to create an application with the cubes and dimensions of your choice without being constrained by the cube and dimension limitations imposed by standard applications. With FreeForm, you can model and build your own cubes while preserving the ability to leverage business process functionalities.

FreeForm can be accessed using Oracle Smart View for Office or Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud screens; they support Groovy scripts for custom functions, and business rules for calculations.

You can create applications with multiple cubes or you can create an application with a single cube and then add more cubes later (up to 12 cubes total).

Table 2-1 FreeForm Features at a Glance

What is FreeForm? What can I create with FreeForm? What use cases can I solve with multi-cube FreeForm? What's special about multi-cubeFreeForm?
FreeForm is an EPM application with no dimension prerequisites, to create multiple cubes with full flexibility in dimensions based on business use case needs. Create up to 12 cubes that can use any of the 29 dimensions in any combination for each cube based on use case needs. (26 custom dimensions plus three account, period, and entity dimension types.)
  • Unified Reporting
  • Essbase SaaS Migration
  • Excel model migration
  • Financial and Operational Reporting or Planning across any industry
  • Only place in EPM Cloud where you can create a reporting application with only ASO cubes

  • Only place in EPM where you can import Oracle Essbase files (using Migration or outline load) to create an application

Oracle EPM Cloud Platform provides the technology framework guardrails and features to help customers succeed. Create an application that is all ASO reporting or all Hybrid BSO planning cubes or a combination of ASO and BSO.
  • Financial Reporting
  • Operational Reporting
  • Revenue Planning
  • Expense Planning
  • Demand Planning
  • Supply Planning
  • And so on
Gives full control to customers to work with Sales to create a best fit solution that best meets their requirements for reporting or planning


The following features are not available in FreeForm because these features require the provided Scenario, Version, Period, and Year dimensions to be present:

  • Predictive Planning

  • Auto-Predict

  • IPM Insights

In FreeForm, the Scenario, Version, Period, and Year dimensions can be defined as custom dimensions.

In addition, the following features are not available in FreeForm:

  • Sandboxes
  • Approvals
  • Task Manager

About Multi-Cube FreeForm Apps

  • The maximum number of custom dimensions allowed in a FreeForm app is 26.

  • Cubes can share dimensions or have standalone dimensionality.

  • All dimensions can be custom; or native account, period, and/or entity dimensions can be inherited by the cubes.

  • Cross-cube data maps, Smart Push, and Copy Data support are available for FreeForm app types.

Multi-cube FreeForm apps are constrained by these existing business process assumptions:

  • Members must be unique across all the cubes within FreeForm.

  • Governors are applicable at the application level and not at the cube level.

  • The input outlines must not be enabled to allow duplicate member names.


Your Goal Learn How

Get an introduction to FreeForm.

Video iconIntroduction to FreeForm Apps in Cloud EPM

Create FreeForm apps from on-premises Essbase outline (OTL) files and snapshots.

Video iconCreating FreeForm applications from on-premises Essbase outline files and snapshots

Create multi-cube FreeForm apps with an Essbase outline

Video iconCreating Multi-Cube FreeForm Apps from Essbase Outlines

Create FreeForm apps with a Hybrid BSO cube

Video icon Creating FreeForm Applications with a Hybrid BSO Cube

Create FreeForm apps with an ASO or reporting cube

Video icon Creating FreeForm Applications with a Reporting/ASO Cube

Create multi-cube FreeForm apps with a BSO or ASO cube

Video iconCreating Multi-Cube FreeForm Apps from BSO and ASO Cubes

Learn how to create FreeForm apps using an Excel template. Using the Excel template, you learn how to define application properties, manage cubes, create dimensions and members, attributes, access permissions, and load data into the FreeForm application.

Video iconCreating Multi-Cube FreeForm Applications with an Excel Template - Part 1

Learn how to update FreeForm apps using an Excel template and verifying changes in the web interface. After creating your FreeForm application using an Excel template, learn how you can use the same template to make modifications to dimensions, members, substitution variables, and security. Then, in the Planning web interface, assign Application Management options, review the application properties and definition, and the data you imported.

Video iconCreating Multi-Cube FreeForm Applications with an Excel Template - Part 2