What Can Be Customized in the Business Process Interface?

Navigation flows are made up of cards. Each card contains content with information that is displayed as one or more tabbed pages. The content included on cards can be URLs or artifacts such as forms, dashboards, reports. Cards can be grouped into clusters.


If Dashboard 2.0 and Forms 2.0 are enabled in your business process:

  • Navigation flows support the features included in Dashboard 2.0 and Forms 2.0, including the ability to edit a form from within the runtime dashboard, and editing it with or without data. Dashboard 2.0 component actions such as Open Form and Edit Form also work directly within the navigation flow.

  • If a dashboard contains multiple components, when you edit a dashboard from within a navigation flow, the focus will be set to the last component in the dashboard.

See Working with 2.0 Dashboards in Working with FreeForm.

Navigation flows can be customized in the following ways:

  • Labels for cards or tabs

  • Icons that are used for cards or tabs

  • Hide and unhide cards and tabs

  • Display order of cards and tabs

  • Add new cards

  • Add existing cards

  • Add new horizontal or vertical tabs

  • Remove navigation flows, cards, and tabs

  • Group cards into clusters

  • Add existing clusters

See Viewing and Working with Navigation Flows.