Configure the Resend Welcome and Password Recovery email templates

As part of user registrations, a user is created in IDCS and initially the user record is inactive.

After all the data related to the user is stored in the appropriate locations, the user is activated again and an API call is made to resend the Welcome email. To prevent a user from receiving multiple emails and to ensure the user sees the appropriate welcome message you've two configuration tasks depending on the scenario.

  • You use the Resend Welcome template when a new user has signed up.
  • You use the Password Recovery template when the user has been migrated.

Here are both tasks:

Configure the Resend Welcome Template

  1. Sign in to Identity Cloud Service as a user with Administrative access

  2. From the Navigation drawer, select Settings, and then Notifications.

  3. Click the Configure tab.

  4. Deselect the Welcome and User Activation check boxes.

  5. Make sure the Resend Welcome check box is selected.

  6. Click Save, then when the confirmation dialog box appears click OK.

  7. Click the Email Templates tab.

  8. Expand the Resend Welcome template, and replace the existing Subject line and message text with you own information and click Save.

Configure the Password Recovery Template

  1. Sign in to Identity Cloud Service as a user with Administrative access

  2. From the Navigation drawer, select Settings, and then Notifications.

  3. Click the Configure tab.

  4. Deselect the Welcome and User Activation check boxes.

  5. Make sure the Password Recovery Request check box is selected.

  6. Click Save, then when the confirmation dialog box appears click OK.

  7. Click the Email Templates tab.

  8. Expand the Password Recovery Request template, and replace the existing Subject line and message text with you own information and click Save.