Article Reference Subject Area

The Article Reference Subject Area enables you to create reports that provide information on articles in your knowledge base which are linked to another article and the status of the linked article. The linked articles could be valid or invalid and this can be reported using this subject area.

This subject area doesn't include product and category information.

Note: Before using this subject area, run the below-mentioned scheduled processes.
  • Refresh Denormalized Time Dimension Table for BI
  • Knowledge Content Batch Process
  • Refresh Service Categories for Reporting
Dimension Folder Dimension Definition

Article Version

Answer ID

The unique identifier of the article.

You can exclude this dimension from your report but you must include it for the subject area join to work effectively.

Article Display End Date

The end date after which the article is no longer available for display.

Article ID

The identifier of the article.

Article Last Updated Date

The date that the article is last updated.

Article Latest Version

The latest version of the article.

Article Locale

The language and region of the article.

Article Major Version

The major version of an article. The numbering of this version is 1, 2, 3 and so on.

You can exclude this dimension from your report but you must include it for the subject area join to work effectively.

Article Minor Version

The minor version of the article. This version includes minor edits to the major version. The numbering of this version is .1, .2, .3, and so on, for example 1.1, 1.2, 2.1.

You can exclude this dimension from your report but you must include it for the subject area join to work effectively.

Article Published Date

The date on which the article is published.

Article Status

The latest article status

Article Title

The title of the article.

Base Locale Code

The code of the locale to which the article belongs.

Base Locale Description

The description of the locale to which the article belongs.

Creation Date

The date on which the article is added to the repository.


The department of the article.

Original Creation Date

The date on which the article is originally created and imported.

Owner ID

The identifier of the article's owner.


The current version of the article.


The article is marked as published.

Article References Deleted Target This flag is set to Y if the linked Article is deleted.
Draft Target This flag is set to Y if the linked Article is in Draft state.
Expired Target This flag is set to Y if the linked Article is Expired. i.e If Articles Display End Date is less than the current date.
Invalid Target This flag is set to Y if source article is linked to a non existing article.
Linked Answer Id Linked Answer Id
Linked Article Id Linked Article Id
Linked Article Locale Code Linked Article Locale Code



Day Name

Enterprise Period

Enterprise Quarter

Enterprise Year





The Time-related attributes of the article. For more information, see Time attributes in the Articles Links Real Time Subject Area.


Fact Folder



Article references Fact

# of Deleted Article References

Count is set to 1 If a linked document is deleted from the authoring application.

# of Draft Article References Count is set to 1 if an article in Draft status is linked.
# of Empty Article References Count is set to 1 if a non-existing article is linked. (This type of link is possible using API calls)
# of Expired Article References Count is set to 1 if a linked articles Display End Date is less than CURRENT_DATE. i.e Document is expired.
# of Unique Source Articles Count of Unique Source Articles which have Article References.
# of Valid Article References Count of valid Article References. If a linked article is not in the category of Deleted, Empty or expired then it is a valid article reference. <Draft is a valid reference>
Total # of Invalid Article References Count of invalid Article References. If a linked article is in the category of Deleted, Empty or expired then it is a invalid article reference. <Draft is not included>
Total # of Reference Count of distinct article references. Can be repeated against each anchor.