Create Personalized Analyses

Knowledge Managers can create analyses using subject areas. To create an analysis, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tools, Reports and Analysis.

    The Reports and Analytics page appears.

  2. Click Create, Analysis.

    The Select Subject Area window displays.

  3. Select the subject area check box and click Continue.

    The Create Analysis: Select Columns pane lists all the available columns, facts, and attributes.

  4. Expand the subject area and add columns to the analysis and then click Next.

    The Create Analysis: Select View pane lists the table, graph, and layout options available.

  5. Enter a Title for the analysis and select the Table, Graph, and Layout options from the drop-down lists.

    Note: You can Preview the analysis and edit the table and graph layouts.
  6. Click Next.

    The Create Analysis: Sort and Filter page opens.

  7. To filter the report, follow these steps:

    1. Click Add Sort and select a column to sort the analysis in a specific order.

    2. Click Add Filter and select the column.

    3. Select the Operator from the drop-down list and enter the filter Value.

      The drill-down for the analysis appears.

    4. Additionally, you can apply conditional highlight formatting to the analysis in the Create Analysis: Highlighting page.

  8. Enter the Analysis Name, Description, and select the destination folder where you want to save the analysis.

    Note: Analysis saved in the Shared Folders location is visible to all the users. You can save the analysis in My Folders location for your personal use.
  9. Click Submit.

    A Confirmation message appears that the analysis is saved successfully.