How do I implement user groups?

You can use both predefined user groups and user groups that you create. In either case, you need to do a few things to make them work properly in your application.

Note: This answer is applicable to both Fusion Service Knowledge Management with Redwood and Classic User Experience.

In security model terms, a user group is like a privilege, which you define in a data security policy within a role. You add users to user groups by assigning them to roles that contain user group data security policies. We recommend that you create new roles when you set up user groups.

User groups are also specific to a department, or application. When you create a role to grant access to a user group, make sure that it also grants access to the department, or application, that the group belongs to.

Here are the basic tasks to set up a user group:

  • Create a new role. You can create a new role or copy an existing role and modify it to your needs.

  • Add a department data security policy. You can add one or more department DSPs based on your access requirements.

  • Add a user group data security policy. You can add one or more user group DSPs based on your access requirements.

  • Assign the role to users. You can assign the role to individual employees or groups of employees and set up autoprovisioning to automatically assign the role to new employees, as necessary.

Note: When creating an article, the author must add at least one user group to the article. If you use a REST API to create or update an article without a user group, the application automatically assigns the Everyone user group. If you add the Everyone user group to an article, you cannot add any other group.

For more information on creating user groups, see How do I create a user group?