Set Up Access to a Collection

You set up access to a collection by choosing the department that it belongs to, which groups of users will be able to see its documents.

You must also enter information that the content processor needs to authenticate and access the content, including user name, password, form data, proxy servers, and cookies.

Choose a Department

You must assign a department to the collection. Choose the department, either Service or HCM, that corresponds to the application that the collection is for.

Choose Users

You can choose whether all users, or only selected user groups can see the documents in a collection. By default, all users can see collections.

  • Click Yes in the Can everyone see this collection? field if all users should see documents in this collection in their search results.

  • Click No to restrict this collection to selected user groups. If you chose to restrict the collection, select the user groups that you want to be able to access the collection in the Selected User Groups column.

Authenticate the Content Processor

You may need to authenticate content processing so that it can access the documents in the collection. The default is no authentication.

  1. Click Yes in the Do you need authentication to access these documents? field if content processing needs to be authorized, then specify the authentication method. Click No if the content acquisition process does not require any authorization.

  2. If content processing needs to be authorized, select one of the following methods for authenticating the content acquisition process:

    • Select BASIC to use plain text user name and password information. You can also specify an optional Kerberos realm, which may be required for environments that are configured to trust non-Windows Kerberos realms.

    • Select NTLM to use Windows NT LAN Management protocol for access to servers using Integrated Windows Authentication for HTTP authentication. You must specify the domain in which the user name and password are valid, and you can also specify an optional Kerberos realm, which may be required for environments that are configured to trust non-Windows Kerberos realms.

    • Select NONE if no user name and password are required, and you need to specify only required additional authentication information, such as form data, proxy server information, and cookie values.

  3. Specify the user name and password.

    Note: You can't use a javascript password to authenticate the content processor.
  4. Specify an optional Kerberos realm, which may be required for environments that are configured to trust non-Windows Kerberos realms.

  5. In NTLM environments only, specify the domain that the user and password are valid within.

Enter Form Data

You may need to enter data that content acquisition can use to complete any HTML-based forms that a web site requires to access content. You can enter one or more sets of form data, and you can enter multiple field name-value pairs for each form action.

  1. Enter a form action, which is the URL at which the content acquisition process enters the associated field name-value pairs.

  2. Enter the field name for the action in plain text.

  3. Enter the value for the specified field name in plain text.

Enter Proxy Server Information

You may need to enter proxy server information so that content acquisition can use an HTTP proxy server to access the content. You specify proxy server information as a set of header data and one or more key-value pairs that the content acquisition process adds to the header information to access the proxy server.

  1. Enter HTTP header information.

  2. Enter the header key.

  3. Enter the header value.

Enter Cookie Data

You may need to enter cookie data to enable the content acquisition process to maintain a desired state or session so that it can access content on the site. You enter cookie data as a set of one or more name-value pairs in plain text.

  1. Enter the cookie name.

  2. Enter the cookie value.