How do I add articles as favorite?

You can implement favorites so that users can bookmark frequently-used articles. Favorites provides users with quick and easy access to the articles they use most often.

Note: This answer is applicable to both Fusion Service Knowledge Management with Redwood and Classic User Experience.

You must have the knowledge manager role, or a similar role that includes the Knowledge Setup and Maintenance privilege to enable favorites.

To enable favorites:

  1. Go to Setup and Maintenance.

  2. Select the Service offering and select Knowledge Management.

  3. Click any of the following:
    • Manage Knowledge Common Profile Options
    • Manage Knowledge Panel Profile Options

  5. Set the Profile Value at Site level to Yes.

  6. Click Save and Close.

Your users can now add articles as their favorite articles.

To add an article as favorite:

  1. Navigate to Knowledge > My Knowledge.
  2. Search for the article.
  3. In the search results, click the star icon next to the article to add it as favorite.