How do I set agent capacity?

Capacity indicates the maximum number of open work items of a certain type that an agent can handle. Capacity is configured at a global level for various types of work items by using the Manage Capacities page.

Capacity is calculated separately for real-time work items such as SRs. For example: If the global capacity for open SRs is 30, an agent who's working on 30 open requests is considered to be 100 percent occupied.

If an agent who's accepting chat offers changes their presence state from present or available to busy, then the agent's chat availability status is automatically changed to unavailable, and no chats will be sent to that agent. For non real-time work, agents can remain available, though. For instance, an agent might go to lunch and change presence state to busy which prevents real-time work offers, but the agent could still get non real-time work assigned (assuming the agent has capacity).

If a queue has multiple agents, the work item is assigned to the agent with the maximum free capacity of the relevant type. If more than one agent has the same capacity, the work item is assigned to the agent with the maximum overall free capacity. .