Associate Different Catalogs with Different Business Units

When you have multiple BUs, you must create multiple usages, one for each BU. You can then associate a different catalog with each usage. This way, each BU is associated with a separate catalog.

If you have two BUs and you want to associate two different catalogs with the two BUs:

  1. Create two different catalogs.

    For more information about creating catalogs, see "Sales Catalog High-Level Setup Steps".

  2. Create two usages for the two BUs.

    1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

      • Offering: Service

      • Functional Area: Service Catalog

      • Task: Manage Product Group Usage

    2. In the Manage Product Group Usage page, go to the Product Group Usage region.

    3. Click the Actions drop-down list.

    4. Click Create.

    5. In the Create Product Group Usage dialog box, in the Usage field, specify a name. For example, BU_1_Usage.

    6. In the Usage Code field, specify a code.

    7. Deselect the Allow Duplicate Content check box.

    8. Click OK.

    9. To create a second usage for the second BU, repeat steps c to h.

  3. Associate a catalog with a usage.

    For more information about associating a catalog with a usage, see "Define a Catalog for the Service Offering".

  4. Associate a BU with a usage.

    1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

      • Offering: Service

      • Functional Area: Business Units

      • Task: Manage Service Product Group Usage for Business Unit

    2. For the first BU, deselect the Use Site Value check box.

    3. In the Business Unit Profile Value column, specify the usage code of the first usage that you created.

      Note: You must specify the usage code, and not the usage name.
  5. Click Done.

  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for the second usage and the second BU.