Overview of Import and Export Management

You can import and export a wide range of application data using import and export management in your service application.

For example, you can use the export management feature to export object data so that you can then import it into another instance. You can also import records to the applications so that you don't have to create the records in the user interface. Only users with the service request administrator duty role can import and export objects. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Understanding Import and Export Management for Sales and Service guide.

Overview of Import Objects

You can import several objects into the application using the import management framework.

To import objects, Click Tools > Import Management > Import Objects.

The following is a sample list of top-level and sublevel objects that you can import into the service application. For more information on these and other objects available for import, see the Oracle Fusion Understanding Import and Export Management for Sales and Service guide.

  • Case

    • Case Contact
    • Case Household
    • Case Message
    • Case Opportunity
    • Case Resource
  • Queues

    • Queue Party Resources

    • Queue Team Resources

  • Categories

    • Service categories

    • Since the service request data is dependent upon queues and categories, you must import the queues and categories before importing your service requests.

  • Interactions: You can't import interactions into the application, but you can export the interactions for the service requests.

  • Inbound email

  • Inbound Message Filters: You can import the inbound message filters through Setup and Maintenance.

  • Milestone Configuration: You can import and export milestone configurations only through Setup and Maintenance.

  • Channels

    • Channel Resources

  • Standard Text Folders: The import facility doesn't support importing hierarchical data directly. To import folders hierarchies, such as parent and child relationships, you must import the standard text folders data twice. The first time you import the file, the object data is added, and the second time you import the same file, the relationships are created.

  • Standard Text Variables

  • Standard Text

    • Standard Text Relations

  • Self-Service Roles

Overview of Export Objects

You can extract large volumes of data from the application using bulk export. You can either extract a full set of records for an object, or perform incremental extracts. For example, you can extract the complete set of service requests data or extract an updated set of records every week.

To export objects, Click Tools > Export Management > Export Objects. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Understanding Import and Export Management for Sales and Service guide.