Audience and Scope

This guide outlines the implementation and configuration steps required to develop, configure, manage, and administer Digital Customer Service in Oracle Fusion Service. To set up and work with the additional features of Oracle Fusion Service, see Oracle Fusion Sales and Fusion Service documentation on

This implementation guide is designed to be used as a starting point that shows how Digital Customer Service in Oracle Fusion Service can be developed and implemented using Oracle Visual Builder. An implementor can use the documented development and configuration information in this guide to successfully deploy Digital Customer Service.

Each implementation of Oracle Fusion Service is unique, and leads to the development of customer-specific applications that support their unique business requirements.

This guide describes how to deploy and configure Oracle Digital Customer Service in conjunction with Oracle Visual Builder Visual Applications. If you're using Oracle Visual Builder Classic Applications for your Digital Customer Service application (even if your Oracle version is 18B or later), refer to Implementing Digital Customer Service in Engagement Cloud Release 13 (Update 18B). The Implementing Digital Customer Service in Engagement Cloud Release 13 (Update 18B) is the documentation that's pertinent to the Classic Applications development model.

Note: This document describes features available to users under Oracle Fusion Sales, Oracle Fusion Service, and Oracle Engagement Cloud licensing agreements.