Create a Trusted Client Application in Identity Cloud Service

Use this task to create a trusted client application in IDCS.

  1. In the IDCS admin console, click the Navigator menu and choose Applications.

  2. Click Add.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, choose Confidential Application.

  4. In the Name field enter Contact Sync App and click Next.

  5. Select Configure this application as a client now.

  6. Choose the following Allowed Grant Types:

    • Client Credentials

    • JWT Assertion

  7. Click the Trusted Client check box.

  8. Click Import.

  9. Enter OraKeySign in the Certificate Alias field.

  10. Choose the certificate file that was downloaded in the previous step and click Import.

  11. Click Add in the Grant the client access to Identity Cloud Service Admin APIs workspace.

  12. In the Add App Role dialog box, choose User Administrator and click Add.

  13. Click Next to advance to the Resources tab stop.

  14. Click Next to advance to the Web Tier Policy tab stop.

  15. Click Next to advance to the Authorization tab stop.

  16. Click Finish.

  17. Record the Client ID and Client Secret and then dismiss the dialog box.

  18. Click Activate and then OK to activate the client application.