Create Web Services

Here's the initial setup for these tasks:

  1. Sign in to Fusion Service and activate a sandbox.

  2. Click Navigator > Configuration > Application Composer.

  3. In the Explorer, expand Common Setup, then click Web Services.

Create the FindIdcsGuidByLoginId Web Service

Create the FindIdcsGuidByLoginId web service by doing the following:

  1. In the Web Services work area, click the Create Web Service reference icon.

  2. In the Select Connection Type dialog box, choose REST and then click OK.

  3. In the Create REST Web Service Connection work area, enter the following in the Name field: FindIdcsGuidByLoginId.

  4. In the URL field enter

  5. In the Authentication Scheme area, select Call using IDCS OAUTH.

  6. Click the Create Credential Key icon (+) beside the Client Credential Key drop down list.

  7. In the Client Key dialog box, enter the following:

    • CSF Key: contact-sync-app-key

    • User Name: Enter the Client ID.

    • Password: Enter the Client Secret.

  8. Click OK.

  9. In the Token URL field enter the following:

  10. In the Scope field enter urn:opc:idm:__myscopes__

  11. Make sure the Subject Precedence check box isn't selected.

  12. In the Authentication Scheme area, select Call using IDCS OAUTH.

  13. Click the Create Credential Key icon (+) beside the Credential Key for Switch Identity drop down list.

  14. In the CSF Key text box enter contact-sync-admin-key

  15. In the Client Key dialog box, enter the following: field enter:

    • CSF Key: contact-sync-admin-key

    • User Name: Enter contact.sync.admin.user.

    • Password: Enter the password for the user.

  16. Click OK.

  17. In the Select and configure Methods against the Resource work area, select the GET check box.

  18. For Request Payload, select the Schema URL option.

  19. For Response Payload choose Code Sample, and enter the following in the code field: {}.

  20. Click Save and Close.

Create the UpdateIdcsUserAttributes Web Service

Create the UpdateIdcsUserAttributes web service by doing the following:

  1. In the Web Services work area, click the Create Web Service reference icon.

  2. In the Select Connection Type dialog box, choose REST and then click OK.

  3. In the Create REST Web Service Connection work area, enter the following in the Name field: UpdateIdcsUserAttributes.

  4. In the URL field enter

  5. In the Authentication Scheme area, select Call using IDCS OAUTH.

  6. Click the Client Credential Key drop down list, and select: contact-sync-app-key.

  7. In the Token URL field enter the following:

  8. In the Scope field enter urn:opc:idm:__myscopes__

  9. Make sure the Subject Precedence check box isn't selected.

  10. Click the Credential Key for Switch Identity drop down list, and select: contact-sync-admin-key.

  11. In the Select and configure Methods against the Resource work area, select the PATCH check box.

  12. For Method Name, click the drop down list and select PATCH.

  13. For Format, click the drop down list and select JSON.

  14. For Request Payload, select Code Sample, and enter the following in the code field: {}

  15. For Response Payload choose Code Sample, and enter the following in the code field: {}.

  16. Click Save and Close.

Create the FindSelfServiceUser Web Service

Create the FindSelfServiceUser web service by doing the following:

  1. In the Web Services work area, click the Create Web Service reference icon.

  2. In the Select Connection Type dialog box, choose REST and then click OK.

  3. In the Create REST Web Service Connection work area, enter the following in the Name field: FindSelfServiceUser.

  4. In the URL field enter

  5. In the Authentication Scheme area, select Call with Basic Authentication.

  6. Create or use a Client Credential Key for the user in Fusion Service that has the Sales Administrator role or Customer Self-Service Administration duty role.

  7. In the Select and configure Methods against the Resource work area, select the GET check box.

  8. For Method Name, click the drop down list and select GET.

  9. For Format, click the drop down list and select JSON.

  10. For Request Payload, select Schema URL.

  11. For Response Payload choose Code Sample, and enter the following in the code field: {}.

  12. Click Save and Close.