Enable Your Own Sign In Pages

To enable your own sign-in pages, you must first update your Digital Customer Service application configuration to use Digital Customer Service as the Security provider.

After doing this, VBCS will inject data into the app-flow.json file which will allow the Digital Customer Service

Security Provider to have access to the same IDCS configuration information as the standard VB security provider. In addition to enabling you to create your own sign-in page, using the Digital Customer Service Security Provider enables you to use the Change Password button on the My Profile page in the out of the box reference implementation. That button takes the user to the reference implementation's Change Password page.

  1. Using the application navigator's Source View, navigate to webApps > webAppName > app-flow.json.

  2. Locate the userConfig element in the app-flow.json file of the application in the DT editor, and replace the child element "type": "vb/DefaultSecurityProvider" with : "type: "oj-odcs/application-common/OdcsSecurityProvider".

  3. Then, add "defaultSecurity": true.

    This entry must be a child element of the "userConfig/configuration" element which tells VBCS to send IDCS configuration data to the app-flow.json file during application staging. Here's how the updated "userConfig" element should look:

    "userConfig": {
        "type": "oj-odcs/application-common/OdcsSecurityProvider",
        "configuration": {
          "defaultSecurity": true,
          "authentication": {
            "type": "implicit"
        "embedding": "deny"

You can optionally specify the custom sign-in page for Digital Customer Service by setting userConfig.configuration.odcsLoginPath to point to a VB page path. If this path isn't specified, the RI default of shell/sign-in is used.

Set the Service Instance URL

Now you must set the service instance URL for the idcsRestApi Service Connection.

  1. In Oracle Visual Builder, open your Digital Customer Service application (if it's not open already).

  2. Click Service Connections, click idcsRestApi, and then click the Servers tab.

  3. Click Edit, then in the Edit Server page, edit the Instance URL to be the URL of your IDCS server. For example: https://idcs-xxx.identity.yyy.idcs-example.com.

  4. Click Save.

Verify the Identity Cloud Service Identity Provider Policy

If you have a custom sign-in page for your Digital Customer Service application confirm that IDCS is enabled to use the User Name-Password authentication factor.

  1. In the Identify Cloud Service administration console, click the Navigation Drawer, the expand Security, and choose IDP Policies.

  2. Click Default Identity Provider Policy, and then the Identity Provider Rules tab.

  3. Click the Menu icon and choose Edit.

  4. In the Edit Default IDP Rule dialog box, make sure Username-Password is shown in the Allowed Identity Providers box. If not, do the following:

    1. Click in the Assign Identity Providers box, and select Username-Password.

    2. Click Save.

If you don't want to add Username-Password to the Default Identity Provider Policy, you can add a new IDP Policy for the Digital Customer Service application to use. When you create the new policy, add a rule that allows the Username-Password Identity Provider and assign the VBINST_xxxxx application to the policy. This will ensure that the application uses the new IDP policy instead of the default IDP policy.

For more information, see Related Topics for a link to the Identity Cloud Service documentation.