Overview of JSON Web Token Applications

OAuth JSON web tokens can be used to exchange Oracle Identity Cloud Service access tokens. This is a standalone JSON web tokens Java application that returns JSON web tokens which can be used by the Oracle JET application to fetch access token from Oracle

  • User Assertion. In this model a non-null JSON web token is returned for user JSON web token and a null value for client (Oracle JET application) JSON web tokens token.

  • Client Assertion. In this model , a non-null JSON web token is returned for both user and client JSON web tokens.

Prerequisites for Running JSON Web Token Applications

Before downloading and running the JSON web token application, Maven and Java Development Kit must be installed on the computer on which the application is deployed. The application was developed using the following versions:

  • Maven 3.5.4

  • Java Development Kit 1.8.0_221

Note: After installing the prerequisite software, they must be added to the path.