Overview of Steps to Propagate Attribute Changes of Fusion Service Contacts to IDCS Users Accounts

When you use Self-Service Optimization, a self-service user is represented by a Contact record in the Fusion Service application and by a User account in Identity Cloud Service.

This topic shows you how changes made to attributes of a contact record can be propagated to the user account associated with this contact in IDCS.

When the attributes of a contact are changed, an object workflow is triggered. You can use this workflow to propagate any changes to attributes of interest to a user account in IDCS. Here's a high level overview of the required steps:

  • Check if the contact record is that of a self-service user.

  • Verify if the attributes of interest changed.

  • Use the Party ID of the contact to find a Self-Service Role record.

  • Obtain the Login ID of the user from the Self-Service Role record.

  • Use the Login ID to find the GUID of the user account in IDCS.

  • Change the attributes of interest in IDCS