User Components

This topic lists and describes user components.

The following table describes components specific to users.

Component Name


Sign Up

Allows anonymous users to register to become self-service users.

User Registration Request Management

Enables Oracle Digital Customer self-service administrator users to manage user registrations. The component shows the selected user's name, email, account information, status and a reason associated with the approval or rejection.

For the User Registration Request Management component to render a user's registration details, the user's ID must be mapped to the component's page variable named selfServiceRegistrationId. This parameter is a required parameter. It must be configured by the calling page navigation -- typically from an instance of the User Registrations Requests List -- in that calling page's userRegistrationsNavigateToEditAction action's navigateToEdit step.

When in read-only mode, the approver and approved date will be shown.

User Registration Requests List

Lists the Digital Customer Service self-service registrations. The listing can be sorted by last update date, email, name, role or account in either descending or ascending order. The list displays the username, email, account, registration status and last update date.

User Roles List

Lists the Digital Customer Service self-service users and their roles. The list can be sorted by last update date, email, name, role or account in either descending or ascending order. The list displays the username, email, account, roles and last update date. The rows have a trash can icon, which can be used to remove the user.

User Roles Management

Allows the Digital Customer Service self-service administrator users to view, add and remove user roles. The component shows the selected user's name, email, account information and their assigned roles and details on who made the last update and when.

For the User Roles Management component to render a user's roles, the user's ID must be mapped to the component's page variable named userRolesUsersId. This parameter is a required parameter. It must be configured by the calling page navigation -- typically from an instance of the User Roles List -- in that calling page's UserRolesNavigateToEditAction action's navigateToEdit step.

The remove user button removes the user.

Change Password Form

Component that creates a form that allows a user to change their password.

Forgot Password Form

Component that creates a form that allows users who have forgotten their password to initiate the reset password process.

Reset Password Form

Component that creates a form that allows users who have forgotten their password to complete the reset password process.


Component that creates a form that allows IDCS users to log in to the DCS application.