Add Severity Values to Requests

Service request (SR) severity indicates the priority of an SR . An SR of a higher severity bypasses other SRs of lower priority in a queue, and is taken up for resolution sooner.

As an administrator, you can set the severity values in the application.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Service Request

    • Task: Manage Service Request Severity Values

  2. The ORA_SVC_SR_SEVERITY_CD lookup type contains the lookup codes. To add a new severity value, click the plus icon and specify the following values.

    • Lookup Code: Enter the new lookup code. For example, High Priority.

      Note: The Lookup Code is a text value and must be used for display purpose only. The value that you specify in the Lookup Code field doesn't affect the actual severity of an SR . The actual severity is determined by the Severity Ranking field.
    • Severity Ranking: Enter a value that depicts the priority level. An SR severity with a lower severity ranking is considered as having higher priority when they are routed to agents. For example, a severity ranking of 2 is considered higher in priority when compared to a severity ranking of 5.

    • Enabled: Select to enable the severity value. SRs with disabled severity aren't displayed on the Service Request Edit page.

    • Start Date and End Date: Specify a date range within which the severity value is valid. If you don't specify a date, the severity value remains valid forever.

    • Meaning: Enter an optional meaning for the severity value. For example, for Priority 1, specify the Meaning as Critical.

    • Description: Enter an optional description.

    • Tag: Specify a tag that's used to differentiate an SR of a certain severity from the others. For example, specify Tag for Priority 1 as COLOR=#ff0000,#FFFFFF to change the color of a Priority 1 SR . In this case, a Priority 1 SR is displayed in red text with white background.

  3. Add more lookup codes as required.

  4. After you finish, click Save and Close.