How do I add the milestone to the Manage Service Milestone Configuration Task?

Here's how you can add the milestone to the Manage Service Milestone Configuration task:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Service Entitlements

    • Task: Manage Service Milestone Configuration

    The Manage Milestone Configuration page is displayed.

  2. Click Create Milestone and specify the following milestone details:

    • Milestone Label: Enter the name of the milestone that should be displayed on the service request.

    • Milestone Code: Select the name of the milestone result column you added to the matrix class. These names are defined in the matrix classes and can't be modified.

    • Milestone Type: Select from the following types, which determine whether milestones are reopened or repeated once complete.

      • Can be reopened: A milestone that can be reopened is set back to In Progress status when the complete criteria is no longer true, and continues the countdown to expiration when reopened. The Resolution Metric milestone is of this type.

      • Can be repeated: A milestone that can be repeated can't be reopened once closed, but another one is created when the start criteria is valid. For example, suppose you configure a Next Response Due milestone that should be repeated each time a customer update is posted to the service request. Once a response is sent, the milestone is complete, but upon receiving a new a customer update, another Next Response Due milestone is created and tracked.

      • Can't be repeated: A milestone of this type can't be reopened or repeated once it's marked complete. The First Response Metric milestone is of this type.

    • Threshold Code: Select the name of the threshold result column corresponding to the milestone, which you added to the matrix class. This determines the threshold value that's applied to the milestone. The names are defined in the matrix classes and can't be modified.

    • Business Unit Name: Leave as the default business unit (BU) unless you're configuring milestones for multiple business units. For more information, see the "Configure Milestones for Multiple Business Units" in this guide.

    • Allow Due Date Override: Select this check box to let agents modify a milestone's due date on the Service Request Milestone Details page (in the Due Date field).

      Note: If a customer wants to audit agent updates to the due date, the administrator must enable audit on the Overridden Due Date attribute.
    • Allow Agent Completion: Select this check box to let agents manually acknowledge that they have completed a milestone and close it. On the Service Request Milestone Details page, if an agent selects the Agent Completed check box and saves the milestone, the milestone status is updated to Complete. Milestones that can be reopened are reopened if the start condition is met again.

      The administrator can specify which milestones allow due date updates and which allow the update to specify a milestone has been completed. These attributes are independent of each other, so that some milestones can allow only moving the due date, others might allow the agent to mark it complete but not move the due date, and still others may allow both types of updates.

    • Time Zone Override Source: This field makes it easier to assign milestone due dates to global resources or for global customers, and avoids setting up multiple coverages, calendars, and Groovy script to support this scenario. If there's no assigned agent, or no time zone is specified on the SR, the time zone specified in the coverage line is used

      • Owner: Select Owner from the drop-down list to set an override on the milestone configuration that calculates the milestone due date based on the time zone of the agent assigned to the SR. Companies with service agents supporting customers across many time zones may use this field to ensure the due date falls within the working hours of the resource to whom the SR is assigned.

      • Service Request: Select Service Request from the drop-down list to set an override on the milestone configuration that calculates the milestone due date based on the time zone populated in the SR. Companies supporting customers across many time zones may use this field to allow SR specific information to indicate which time zone the due date is calculated against.

  3. Enter the milestone conditions. Each milestone (both prebuilt and administrator-defined) has conditions that determine when the milestone starts, pauses, and completes. For each condition, you can define multiple attribute and value pairs that determine when the condition is applied to the milestone.

    • Each tab has a text box that enables you to provide a common description that's displayed in the service request details when the milestone is applied to the service request. This description enables an agent to understand when a milestone starts counting, when it pauses, and when it's considered complete.

    • Add conditions using the Create button in the tab. Use the Attribute column to indicate a field to compare to a value using the operator. The Attribute column lists administrator-defined fields and a subset of the service request fields that are available to use as conditions. Alternately, you can specify a static condition that doesn't require an operator or value. You can also use object functions written in Groovy, to express more complex start, pause, and stop criteria for milestones.

      • For example, if you specify the field Problem Type Code, you must specify the operator (Is One Of, Is Not One Of) and the values that make this criteria true.

      • Alternately, if you specify a static condition such as Immediate, no operator or value is required. In this case, the criteria is considered true as soon as the service request is evaluated.

      • You can specify a logical condition in the form <attribute> <comparison> <operator values>.

        For example, you can specify Status Type (attribute) Is One Of (operator) Closed, Resolved (values) as the completion criteria for Resolution Milestone. You can also specify a static predefined condition such as User Sends Response, which evaluates to true as soon as any user sends a response message.

        When an object function is written on the service request object in Application Composer to return a Boolean value, the function is available as start, pause, and completion criteria. Similar to the static conditions, when an administrator-defined object function is selected, the operator and values aren't required. When the function returns true, the start, pause, or completion criteria specifying that function is triggered.

    • When multiple rows are added as conditions, the results are combined logically using the AND operator, so all rows must evaluate to true for the criteria to be true.