Before You Import

Since the service request data is dependent upon queues and categories, you must import the queues and categories before importing your service requests. Before you import service requests, queues, or categories, you must first import the following dependent objects:

  • Accounts: The list of accounts that can be associated with the SR. Selecting an account is required when creating an SR. For more information about importing accounts, see "Import Your Account Data" in the guide specified in Related Topics.

  • Contacts: The list of contacts for each account that can be associated with the SR. For information about importing contacts, see "Import Your Contact Data" in the guide specified in Related Topics.

  • Resources: The list of resources to which you can assign work objects in the SR. For information about importing resources, see "Import Resource Data" in the guide specified in Related Topics.

  • Partners: The list of partner accounts that you can associate with an SR. For information about importing partners, see "Import Your Partner Data" in the guide specified in Related Topics.

  • Product Groups: A product group is a group of related products. For information about importing product groups, see "Import Your Product Group Data" in the guide specified in Related Topics.

  • Products: List of products against which you can raise an SR. For information about importing products, see "Import Your Product Data" in the guide specified in in Related Topics.

  • Asset: List of assets associated with the account. For information about importing assets, see "Import Your Asset Data" in the guide specified in Related Topics.

  • Categories: The categories associated with the SRs. For information about importing categories, see "Import Your Service Request Data" in the guide specified in Related Topics.

  • Queues: The queues to which your SRs are assigned. For information about importing queues, see "Import Your Queue Data" in the guide specified in Related Topics.

  • Channels: Import the channels that are already associated with your SRs. For information about importing channels, see "Import Your Service Request Data" in the guide specified in Related Topics.

  • Tags: The administrator-defined tags to be associated with SRs. For information about importing tags, see "Import Your Service Request Data" in the guide specified in Related Topics.