Create Minimum Number of Rule Sets

The Assignment Manager is designed to return only one queue for every work item.

If two rules from different rule sets match a work item, then the Assignment Manager randomly picks between the rules. So the work item may not be assigned to the queue that you would want. To avoid such situations, it's good to have only one rule set if possible. And you can apply scoring for the rules if required. That way, only one rule matches a work item. Regardless of the company size, Oracle recommends deploying only one rule set.

Note: You can still have multiple rule sets if you ensure that the rules within these rule sets are all unique. And within each rule set, you can have scoring for the rules. But if you have the same or similar rule in different rule sets, two rules from different rule sets can match the same work item.

Here's what the Assignment Manager does when you have multiple rule sets:

  1. The Assignment Manager checks all rule sets. In one round of assignment, it checks all the rules under Rule Set 1, all the rules under Rule Set 2, and so on.

  2. It finds some matching rules. Let's say the matching rules are Q1 and Q2 under Rule Set 1, and Q3 under Rule Set 2.

  3. It randomly picks a rule among Q1, Q2, and Q3.

Note: You must not create more than the maximum limit of 500 rule sets. The Assignment Manager selects only 500 rule sets alphabetically to process them. But within every rule set, you can have any number of rules. An upper limit doesn't apply to the number of rules.